SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

May Press Review


South Africa election 2024: ‘You see skeletons’ - the deadly migrant crossing

4 April, 2024, BBC News

Migrants continue to risk it all in order to seek asylum and opportunities in South Africa. With the influx of migrants typically traveling from Zimbabwe into South Africa, political tension and xenophobia are on the rise. The crossing of the Zimbabwean border into South Africa is dangerous due to wild animals and gangs of criminals that can be encountered. South Africa does not know how many migrants currently live within the country, due to the immense number of people coming into the country for economic prosperity and a better life. With the election season coming soon, South African authorities explain that they are tightening borders and focusing on combating immigration. Political elites and parties continue to point the blame of the decrease in job opportunities on immigrants that come into South Africa. Many claim that the South African economy and public resources will not be able to provide for the influx of migrants that continue to travel to South Africa in search of a prosperous life. 

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Gone for good — dwindling number of South African emigrants return

1 April, 2024, Daily Maverick

South Africa releases its first migration report, depicting the data trends of migration from the years of 2000 to 2020. Based on the data presented in the report, there is a shocking number of South African residents emigrating to different regions of the world. Most South Africans are shown to immigrate into the UK, Australia or the US. Originally many South Africans would emigrate and then eventually make their return back to South Africa after a few years, but between 2011 and 2022, there has been a sharp decline in the number of emigrants returning back to their home country in South Africa. The Western Cape continues to be the most popular place for returnees to go back to, with the majority of returnee migrants being white, followed by black South Africans. 

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Mauritania – the latest target in EU migration control

23 March, 2024, Institute for Security Studies

The relationship between Europe and Africa in terms of migration has been complex for over a decade. Over 80% of the boats that carried migrants from Africa into Spain, departed from Mauritania. Migrants travel through harsh conditions in an attempt to make it to Spain, oftentimes stopping in the Canary Islands. The EU continues to stem their migration plan around decreasing the amount of migrants traveling from Africa into Europe. Mauritania takes a stand against receiving the returns of many migrants from Europe, by emphasizing that they simply do not have enough resources and the influx of migrant returnees is a security threat to the country. Europe has been looking for a partnership to allocate outsourcing of migrants for over a decade, but it is simply too complex to find a partnership. For now, the EU has claimed that they will continue to create strict regulations in an attempt to stop migration before arrivals step foot into European countries. European countries may think controls and reparations through payouts will be a quick solution, but these actions will ultimately lead to complications of injustice and security.  

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Lawmakers slam von der Leyen over quick-fire North African migration deals ahead of key votes

9 April 2024, Politico 

With the European elections taking hold, immigration is a key topic of discussion. Lawmakers display disappointment in the recent agreements with North African countries, just ahead of election season. European countries continue to provide African countries with vast amounts of money in exchange for reducing migration. With most African countries being ruled by a dictatorship government, many argue that giving dictators money will only continue to make conditions within the country worse. The question brought up by many politicians is whether providing countries with money is assisting with the migration issues, or if it is helping the regimes become stronger. With new policies implemented by the EU, migration will simply become much more rigorous and deportation of unsuccessful asylum seekers will become much easier.

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Seven boats carrying more than 400 migrants arrive in Canary Islands

16 April, 2024 Euro News

Migrants from North Africa searching for refuge continue to travel by boat into the Canary Islands. This is a dangerous trek leaving many people hurt, dead or missing along the journey through the harsh conditions of the sea. 97% of migrants from North Africa and the Sub Saharan that are in search of refuge travel to the islands by sea. The Spanish coast guard has rescued more than 400 migrants traveling in seven different boats. The conditions of the journey are brutal and unsafe, but migrants continue to risk their lives in search of safety and opportunity. 

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Pact on Migration and Asylum

21 May 2024, European Commission

The EU releases a report establishing the four pillars of migration and asylum policies to secure their European borders from the influx of migrants. They broke down the pillars into four categories including securing external borders, fast and efficient procedures, effective systems of solidarity and responsibility and embedding migration into international partnership. Through these four pillars, the EU aims to secure their own borders and keep out migrants in search of safety. By making borders more secure, many refugees will be left in unsafe conditions or oftentimes brought back to their home countries where they will face backlash. Through these four pillars the EU aims to make their borders more secure with the implementation of more policies that will change accessibility. The EU claims to manage migration through strict laws that will help with the safety of migrants on the move. Read the full article to gain a better understanding of the policies implemented by the EU and how they will work. 

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By: Paige Poulin


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