SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: SIHMA

Good news for children of undocumented foreign parents and guardians for their admission into South African schools

Feb 04, 2025
Categories: Migrants Migration in Africa Migration Policies Rights SCCT SIHMA Statelessness wellbeing

CHILDREN of undocumented foreign nationals will not be required to produce any form of identification before registering for admission at any school in South Africa. For decades, undocumented children have been largely excluded from the education system, left on the margins by restrictive policies and legislative gaps. Recent developments signal a monumental shift towards a more inclusive approach, harmonizing South Africa’s laws with international standards and reinforcing undocumented immigrant children's right to basic education. Blog Posts/emmanuel-ikwuegbu-M-4lFg1Xfag-unsplash.jpg

SIHMA Christmas Message for 2024

Dec 17, 2024
Categories: SIHMA

Dear readers, We wish all who celebrate Christmas, whose faith opens them to embracing vulnerability - through this vulnerable Baby - we wish you blessings for this season. For those whose faith has different contours and those of no faith at all - we wish you a time of profound reflection, new hope and deep courage as you ponder with Christians the unsettling message of Christmas. Each year, the Christmas story finds deeper relevance...

Land, Livelihood, and Limited Resources: Uganda’s Refugee Hosting Challenge

Dec 03, 2024
Categories: human rights Migrants Migration in Africa narrative of migration Refugees SIHMA

Uganda hosts the highest number of refugees and asylum-seekers in Africa, with nearly 1.7 million individuals as of 2024, primarily from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This immense population reflects Uganda's decades-long commitment to providing refuge, underscored by progressive policies aligned with the Global Compact on Refugees. These policies grant refugees land, freedom of movement, and the ability to reside in urban areas if they can support themselves. However, Uganda faces significant challenges,...

The Impact of International Sanctions on Zimbabwe’s Migratory Regime

Nov 19, 2024
Categories: Articles human rights Migrants Migration in Africa news SIHMA

The movement of Zimbabweans beyond their country’s borders has captured international attention, becoming a poignant reminder of the broader socio-economic challenges the country faces. A closer look reveals that this phenomenon is not a matter of personal ambition for migrants, but rather a survival strategy catalyzed by external and internal pressures, most notably the economic sanctions imposed by the international community, the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union on Zimbabwe. The... 4.jpg

SIHMA at the African Union Free Movement Protocol (FMP) Consultation Meeting

Nov 12, 2024
Categories: African Union Articles Event Migrants Migration in Africa Migration Policies SIHMA

On August 1st-2nd, SIHMA took part in the Free Movement Protocol (FMP) Consultation Meeting, a conference organized by the African Union and fundend by the European Union about the implementation of the Free Movement Protocol, which was officially adopted by the community in 2018. The main discussions of the conference focused on the challenges and opportunities for the ratification and the implementation for FMP in the regions whose countries have already signed it, as well as the strategies... Blog Posts/YAS06433.jpg

SIHMA at the "Conflict and Human Displacement" Conference of the University of Oslo

Nov 05, 2024
Categories: Articles Discussion Event human rights Internally displaced persons Migrants Migration in Africa Refugees SIHMA Webinar

On Monday, October 28th, Fr. Filippo Ferraro, our director, presented a keynote address at the “Conflict and Human Displacement” conference organized by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo. The event was part of the "Migration, Ethics, and Theology" webinar series, a collaboration between the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) in Rome and scholars involved in the Nordhost project on migration and hospitality within a Nordic context. This webinar series builds on...