President of SIHMA Board
Dr Eduardo Gabriel
Eduardo is a Missionary of St Charles. He was born in Piracicaba, in São Paulo province, Brazil. In 2002 he completed his Undergraduate Degree in Social Science at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCAR, in Brasil. In 2005 he got his master’s degree in Social Sciences, at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCAR, (Brasil) and in 2010 he finished his Ph.D. in Sociology at the Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil, with a concurrent period at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE) and the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), in Lisbon, Portugal. He has also been studying for a number of years at the Scalabrinian Mission in Manila, Philippines, until his ordination as a Scalabrini father in 2020. Since 2011 he has written a monthly article on migration in the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME) publication Mundo e Missão. Fr Eduardo is enthusiastic about working with people on the move and conducting research relating to human mobility.
Board member
Peter-John Pearson
Peter-John is a priest of the Archdiocese of Cape Town and Director of the Southern African bishops’ Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office. He began his journey to the priesthood after studying law and having experienced a profound spiritual conversion linked to his involvement in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement and a passion for social justice in service of the poor. In CPLO he is also the co-ordinator of the Refugees & Migrants Project.
Board member
Dulce Pereira
Dulce retired from Standard Bank in 1999 and started working with the Scalabrini Fathers on a volunteer basis. Dulce is one of the founding trustees of the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town.
Board member
Jorge Guerra
Jorge is a missionary of the Scalabrinian Congregation (Missionaries of San Charles Borromeo). He worked with seafarers with Apostleship of the Sea in the Port of Cape Town. He's currently Parish priest in St.Patrick LA Rochelle, one of the most interesting multicultural communities of Johannesburg.
Board member
Willem Van Schalkwyk
With qualifications in engineering, management science, and finance (Stellenbosch University, University of the Witwatersrand, and University of the Free State) Willem assists the trustees in excercising their fiduciary duty. His experience in corporate business management contributes to critical anaylsis and sound governance at SIHMA. Willem was also invited to the board of trustees to bring his rich experience in the legalities of compliance to the management conversations.