Training at SIHMA

Teaching and training are essential for ensuring migrants access to and knowledge about their rights and ensuring their dignity.  SIHMA’s mission is to ‘conduct and disseminate research that contributes to the understanding of human mobility and informs policies that ensure the rights and dignity of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Africa.’ In the implementation of this mission, and particularly dissemination, SIHMA has focused on sharing information on migration through a series of seminars, workshops and training sessions.

We organised trainings for NPOs and pastoral agents of migration and we gave our contribution to University courses and the Afrcan Union curriculum for goverments and public administration.

SIHMA is expanding its training programme and drawing on its experience together with its research outputs, including the AHMR journal publications, in the hope of delivering the best and most up to date training and seminars on pertinent migration topics. Training topics include exploring effective refugee protection, refugee status determination and recent changes in legislation, migrant children’s rights, migrants’ labour rights, access to health care and mental health rights and education rights, communication and narrative of migration.

In addition to these and other topics that SIHMA is developing, and providing training on, SIHMA is interested in ensuring that training is targeted in accordance with training demand. Hence, subject to the area of training being in line with SIHMAs objectives and with in our expertise, we invite you or any government department or organisation or community that would like to receive training in a particular area to please contact and training may be facilitated accordingly.