An assessment of legal frameworks for access to asylum for refugees and for the protection of Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Mzuzu, Malawi
Aligned to the “Foundation Research for the Support Programme to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue”, SIHMA is conducting study legal frameworks for access to asylum for refugees and for the protection of Unaccompanied and Separated Children. Legal frameworks for access to asylum for refugees and for the protection of unaccompanied and separated children both exist in Malawi. Although legal frameworks exist, there is death of research on their implementation on the ground and the gaps...
Foundation Research for the Support Program to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD III) (In Inception Phase)
The present research study is a component of a larger programme which seeks firstly, to promote the rights of refugees to legal frameworks that provide easily accessible and protective asylum. Second, it aims to improve legal frameworks relating to the protection of unaccompanied and separated children. The larger goal is to build regional collaboration and eventually congruent legal frameworks in the eastern and southern African...
Key Performance Indicator framework for refugees integration in Uganda [DATA ANALYSIS IN PROGRESS]
Introduction The involuntary movement of people continues to be a challenge globally. In 2021, approximately 89.3 million people were displaced by war, violence, persecution, and human rights abuses and by May 2022 the number had risen to 100 million (UNHCR, 2022a). Over the last one and half decades, there has been annual rises of internally displaced...

Understanding the lived reality of ‘children on the move’ in the eastern border area of Zambia to develop recommendations for support programmes for vulnerable children in border zones [COMPLETED AND PUBLISHED]
RESEARCH COMPLETED AND REPORT PUBLISHED, available here Background Previous studies at the various borders in southern Africa e.g. South Africa/Mozambique, Zimbabwe/Mozambique indicate that irregular movement of young people across borders is common and motivated mostly by the search for employment and livelihood opportunities.

Pathways of well-being and belonging among migrant youth in Cape Town [COMPLETED AND PUBLISHED]
RESEARCH COMPLITED AND REPORT PUBLISHED, available here Introduction, motivation and literature review Children and young people with experiences of migration in...