Training Workshop for Pastoral Agents of Migration in Kampala Uganda
The Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa in collaboration with SIMI, UEC, and the Archdiocese of Kampala will be conducting a training for pastoral agents of migrants and refugees in Kampala, Uganda. The training workshop will be conducted at the ARU Centre from the 17th to the 20th of July 2024. The purpose of the training workshop is to equip agents of migration with and understanding of human mobility in Africa, skills and...
Understanding the lived reality of ‘children on the move’ in the eastern border area of Zambia to develop recommendations for support programmes for vulnerable children in border zones
Background Previous studies at the various borders in southern Africa e.g. South Africa/Mozambique, Zimbabwe/Mozambique indicate that irregular movement of young people across borders is common and motivated mostly by the search for employment and livelihood opportunities.
Pathways of well-being and belonging among migrant youth in Cape Town
Introduction, motivation and literature review Children and young people with experiences of migration in South Africa are building their lives in contexts of deep insecurity (Magqibelo et al. 2016, Willie and Mfubu 2016, Opfermann 2019). Research is needed on...