SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Foundation Research for the Support Program to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD III) (In Inception Phase)

The present research study is a component of a larger programme which seeks firstly, to promote   the rights of refugees to legal frameworks that provide easily accessible and protective asylum. Second, it aims to improve legal frameworks relating to the protection of unaccompanied and separated children. The larger goal is to build regional collaboration and eventually congruent legal frameworks in the eastern and southern African region similar to the Rabat 2006 Process between Europe and Africa and the Khartoum Process in the Horn of Africa. SIHMA is conducting this study to understand the legal frameworks and their implementation in the two countries as a starting point for discussion with the other countries in the region. In addition, the programme will advocate within each country for improved and more protective legal frameworks and effective implementation of these laws on the ground.


The study will be conducted through a desk review and 20 Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders in South Africa and Uganda working with asylum seekers and unaccompanied and separated minors to understand the legal frameworks and their implementation. The results of the research and the output from the validation workshop will be shared with the organisations in the SIHMA network working on the ground to advocate for changes/amendment of legal frameworks.





Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

Researchers & Consultants

Dr Rachel Chinyakata

Dr Robinah S. Nakabo

Dr Glynis Clacherty

Dr  Cletus Muluh Momasoh

James Clacherty

Dr. Robinah Nakabo 

Partners & Stakeholders

JRS - Jesuit Refugee Services UGANDA

CCLAS - Catholic Centre for Legal Aid Services

Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town

Bibliography & References
