SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: Cross-Border Crime

The new AHMR special issue is online!

Jan 14, 2025
Categories: Government Policy Cross-Border Crime Articles Journal Migration in Africa

SIHMA and UWC are glad to present the last issue of their joint scientific publication AHMR, focused on "Cities of Contagion: Pandemic Precarity, Migration, and Food Security in Urban Africa". Spcial guest-editors for this edition are prof. Jonathan Crush,  Professor in the Department of Political Science at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo (Canada), and Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape, and Zack Ahmed, SSHRC Doctoral Fellow in the Global Governance program at the Balsillie School... Blog Posts/zeke-tucker-1RQ0iIh5L8A-unsplash.jpg