SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: Event

SIHMA at the African Union Free Movement Protocol (FMP) Consultation Meeting

Nov 12, 2024
Categories: African Union Articles Event Migrants Migration in Africa Migration Policies SIHMA

On August 1st-2nd, SIHMA took part in the Free Movement Protocol (FMP) Consultation Meeting, a conference organized by the African Union and fundend by the European Union about the implementation of the Free Movement Protocol, which was officially adopted by the community in 2018. The main discussions of the conference focused on the challenges and opportunities for the ratification and the implementation for FMP in the regions whose countries have already signed it, as well as the strategies... Blog Posts/YAS06433.jpg

SIHMA at the "Conflict and Human Displacement" Conference of the University of Oslo

Nov 05, 2024
Categories: Articles Discussion Event human rights Internally displaced persons Migrants Migration in Africa Refugees SIHMA Webinar

On Monday, October 28th, Fr. Filippo Ferraro, our director, presented a keynote address at the “Conflict and Human Displacement” conference organized by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo. The event was part of the "Migration, Ethics, and Theology" webinar series, a collaboration between the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) in Rome and scholars involved in the Nordhost project on migration and hospitality within a Nordic context. This webinar series builds on...

Insights and recommendations from the "The need to belong: pathways towards durable solutions" Conference

Oct 01, 2024
Categories: Children On The Move Event news Refugees Research Rights SCCT SIHMA vulnerable minors Youth migration

Between Wednesday, September 25, and Friday, September 27, we held the conference “The need to belong: pathways towards durable solutions”, focusing on the integration and documentation processes for young migrants and Children on the Move. The event highlighted the challenges related to social and school integration, as well as the acquisition of South African citizenship for unaccompanied minors.

Presentation of the "Pathways of Wellbeing and (un)Belonging" report

Sep 17, 2024
Categories: Advocate's Migration Brief Articles Children On The Move Event human rights Migrants Migration in Africa Migration Policies Report Research Research Project Rights SCCT SIHMA

SIHMA is proud to annunce the finalization of the "Pathways of Wellbeing and (un) Belonging - Understanding the Experience of Migrant Youth in Alternative Care and Recently Out of Care in Cape Town" report, written by Dr. Glynis Clacherty, Dr. Rachel Chinyakata, and Dr. Cletus Muluh Momasoh, and edited by Fr. Filippo Ferraro. The report's results will be launched on Thursday, September 26th, during the "The Need to belong: Pathways Towards Durable Solutions" conference in Cape Town. The conference will focus... 2024-09-17 alle 10.14.48.png

Training Course for Pastoral Agents of Migration, Kampala, Uganda

Jul 29, 2024
Categories: Discussion Event Research Rights training course

The Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) in collaboration with Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) and the Missionaries of St Charles Scalabrini, Uganda conducted a training workshop for pastoral agents of migrants and refugees in Kampala, Uganda. The training workshop was conducted at the ARU Centre from the 17th to the 20th of July 2024. The purpose of the training workshop was to equip pastoral agents of migration with an understanding of human mobility in Africa, skills...

2024 World Refugee Day

Jun 25, 2024
Categories: Discussion Event Migrants Migration in Africa narrative of migration Refugees

   Every year on the 20th of June, the world comes together to celebrate the annual World Refugee Day. In honor of this crucial day, Scalabrini Centre hosted a day filled with activities, commemorating and celebrating the experience of migration. With the theme of World Refugee Day being, ‘Our Home’, Scalabrini Centre and SIHMA focused on the importance of community and comfortability when integrating into a new country.  Hosted at the Scalabrini... Refugee Day.png