SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

2024 World Refugee Day


 Every year on the 20th of June, the world comes together to celebrate the annual World Refugee Day. In honor of this crucial day, Scalabrini Centre hosted a day filled with activities, commemorating and celebrating the experience of migration. With the theme of World Refugee Day being, ‘Our Home’, Scalabrini Centre and SIHMA focused on the importance of community and comfortability when integrating into a new country. 

Hosted at the Scalabrini Centre in Cape Town, South Africa, the day began with a multitude of activities centered around commemorating the experiences of migration. Families and friends were welcome to join. Volunteers from both SIHMA and Scalabrini hosted activities including coloring, games, dancing and a delicious lunch for the children, while adults were able to fully integrate themselves into the activities hosted for them. 

To start the day, the Scalabrini Centre welcomed guests with complimentary breakfast followed by a discussion of the purpose and mission of the Scalabrini Centre. After the introductory activity, clients were provided with the opportunity to reflect and connect with other participants. Through reflection, migrants spoke of their individual journeys with life in the South African refugee systems and integrating into a new found home in South Africa. After the reflection, clients read poetry and performed traditional dances to help commemorate the culture of their home countries. 

The Scalabrini Centre also hosted multiple presentations to tell the stories of immigrant success stories and  review the rights of refugees throughout South Africa. To conclude the day, lunch was served to all who joined!

The yearly celebration of World Refugee Day continues to highlight the lived experiences of people on the move. By bringing together both families and friends with shared experiences, integration of migrants is brought to a community with ease. The World Refugee Day celebration hosted at the Scalabrini Centre allows for migrants to celebrate a new found home in South Africa, while also remembering the importance of the country they have come from. 


Written By: Paige Poulin


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