SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: South Africa

The Impact of International Sanctions on Zimbabwe’s Migratory Regime

Nov 19, 2024
Categories: Articles human rights Migrants Migration in Africa news SIHMA

The movement of Zimbabweans beyond their country’s borders has captured international attention, becoming a poignant reminder of the broader socio-economic challenges the country faces. A closer look reveals that this phenomenon is not a matter of personal ambition for migrants, but rather a survival strategy catalyzed by external and internal pressures, most notably the economic sanctions imposed by the international community, the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union on Zimbabwe. The... 4.jpg

SIHMA trip to the Ivory Coast

Apr 19, 2022
Categories: news

During the week of 29 March to 7 April, the director of SIHMA, Fr Filippo Ferraro, visited Abidjan in the Ivory Coast for meetings with various institutions and organisations. In the framework of the collaboration with the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Holy See, there was a meeting with Fr Emmanuel Wohi Nin, Secretary of the Bishops' Conference of Côte d'Ivoire, and some of his collaborators. There was a fruitful exchange of contacts and information about the...

Two-day training session at SIHMA Legal Clinic St. Patrick La Rochelle

Nov 09, 2021
Categories: Event

The SIHMA Legal Clinic at St. Patrick La Rochelle has had a good start since its establishment in September 2021, and it is already setting a very high standard in its operation and mission. The Legal Clinic was established with the mission to promote and protect the rights of human trafficking survivors through providing legal services, advocacy and networking. Besides this, the work that is done in the clinic also involves producing rich research that will help shape... TRANING JHB 2021.png

The mission is now: Fr. Constant and Fr John, new Scalabrinians in Cape Town

Oct 19, 2021
Categories: news

In the picture, Fr. Constant Munkala on the left and Fr John Kawisha on the right.    The Scalabrinian community in Africa is growing, two new recently ordained missionaries, Fr. Constant Munkala and Fr John Kawisha, arrived in Cape Town this month and SIHMA wants to take the opportunity to welcome them and introduce them to the all team.  In the deepest level of human being we encounter the desire to share experiences...

Considering South African Domestic Remittances in the Direction of a Legal and Regulatory Framework

Jul 20, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA had the opportunity to read and reflected on an article entitled Towards a Legal and Regulatory Framework for South African Domestic Remittances: Some Considerations by Vivienne Lawack. The article looks at the results of an exploratory study conducted by Vivienne Lawack and is published in the newest edition of SIHMA and UWC’s collaborative peer review journal the AHMR.  The study examined the legal and regulatory framework for domestic remittances within the South African legal context and provides recommendations for future policy objectives.  Globally,... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

The advocates' migration brief - accessing Asylum

Apr 06, 2021
Categories: news

  Whenever someone flees their country due to persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion or flees due to war, violence or events seriously disturbing to public order they should be able to apply for refugee status in the country they flee to. Someone applying for refugee status is an asylum seeker. Regrettably at some stages in South Africa’s recent history there have been and to a lesser extent still are...