SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

SACBC Workshop on Migration for diocesan coordinators

The South African Catholic Bishop’s Conference organized a training course on Migration for Diocesan Coordinators about Coordinated sustainable response with migrants and refugees in Southern Africa.

This event is designed for diocesan coordinators who assist Migrants and Refugees, giving them strategies in how to organize the Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees in each Diocese. The training aims to support the development of a network at diocesan metropolitan, national and with the Dicastery level in coordianted manner and to strengthen the SACBC National Migrants and Refugees Office in implementing the Bishops Plenary February 2019 Resolutions. Other objective of the workshop includes dealing with xenophobia in the local communities and sharing experiences of the recent attacks in local communities, giving the participants the opportunity to exchange opinions and knowledge in the matter through working groups.

From October 20th to October 23rd, each attendee will have the opportunity to learn from the many experts on the schedule as they present on a wide range of topics related to some aspect of migration. Each day begins at 7:00 with Holy Mass, breakfast and at 9:00 with prayer followed by a series of thought-provoking talks. On Monday 21st, for example, the schedule includes Input from SACBC Liaison Bishop for Migrants and Refugee Office, sharing of experiences on migration from Diocese, “Migration in the Bible” and “The Teaching of the Church on Migration”.  The same day Sr. Maria de Lurdes will present the essential topic of how to organize Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees in each Diocese. October 22nd and 23rd will have equally interesting and education talks on the agenda, like “The Human Rights of Migrants, undocumented migrants, statelessness”, “Presentation of Structure and Strategic Plan” by fr Lambert Tonamou and Fr Ikeena Ikechi – Migrants and Refugees Section, “20 Action Points for the Global Compact”, sure to contribute unique perspectives to the conversation and provoke meaningful discussions.

Important will be SIHMA’s contribution to the discussion with Father Filippo Ferraro, the Executive Director of SIHMA and Scalabrinian Missionary. SIHMA dedicates itself to educate institutions and individuals on migration politics, policies, and ethics and Father Filippo will be presenting his own talk on “Understanding Migration in Africa and Southern Africa” a topic which will help participants to have an introduction and knowledge in the matter and a better understanding of the following topics in the agenda.

SACBC October training is an important initiative for diocesan coordinators to share experiences on migration, better understand how to engage with the topic of human mobility and receive practical strategies on how to organize the Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees they.


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