November Press Review
There are no better experts on refugees than refugees: Nhial Deng on why politicians need to listen
The Guardian, 9 October 2023
That day was the start of an incredible journey for Deng, which culminated in him receiving a prestigious prize during the United Nations general assembly last month that recognised his work over the past 14 years in helping other refugees.
Deng was born in Ethiopia, where his father settled having fled South Sudan years before, but “it never came to my mind that one day [the conflict] would be something that would affect me directly”, Deng remembers.
Read full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/oct/09/there-are-no-better-experts-on-refugees-than-refugees-nhial-deng-on-why-politicians-need-to-listen
Quarterly Mixed Migration Update West Africa, Quarter 3, 2023
Reliefweb, 25 October 2023
A sharp increase in deaths along the Atlantic Route: Of the 424 fatalities that have been recorded by IOM's Missing Migrants Project along the Western African route from January to the end of September 2023, more than half (247) occurred in the third quarter. Comparing it with the number of registered arrivals to date, for every 35 people who reach the Canary Islands, at least one person dies or disappears en route.
Read full article here: https://reliefweb.int/report/senegal/quarterly-mixed-migration-update-west-africa-quarter-3-2023
Tunisia: African Migrants Intercepted at Sea, Expelled
Human Rights Watch, 10 October 2023
The Tunisian National Guard collectively expelled over 100 migrants from multiple African countries to the border with Algeria between September 18 and 20, 2023, Human Rights Watch said today. Those expelled, which included children and possibly asylum seekers, had been intercepted at sea and returned to Tunisia by the Coast Guard, part of the National Guard.
Read full article here: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/10/tunisia-african-migrants-intercepted-sea-expelled#:~:text=(Tunis)%20%E2%80%93%20The%20Tunisian%20National,Human%20Rights%20Watch%20said%20today.
Statement by the Executive Secretary of SADC H.E. Mr. Elias Mpedi Magosi on International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
Southern Africa Development Community, 12 October 2023
This year, the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is celebrated under the theme “Fighting Inequality For A Resilient Future.” Unequal access to basic social services, such as finance and insurance, leaves most people at risk, exposing them to the danger of disasters, while disaster impacts not only exacerbate inequalities but also push most people further into poverty.
SADC notes with concern these inequalities and inconsistencies, and is therefore committed, through its Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030, to improve disaster risk management in support of regional resilience and integration. At national levels, SADC Member States have demonstrated this commitment through the integration and implementation of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the African Union Programme of Action for the implementation of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Read full article here: https://www.sadc.int/latest-news/statement-executive-secretary-sadc-he-mr-elias-mpedi-magosi-international-day-disaster
Southern Africa’s security hinges on collectively actioning organised crime strategies, clamping down on trafficking
By Isel Ras and Willem Els, 23 October 2023
The latest data from the Global Organised Crime Index reveals that three African countries — Nigeria, DRC and South Africa — are among the most affected by organised crime globally. Two of these three are in SADC. The index evaluates all 193 United Nations (UN) member states’ criminality (their criminal markets and criminal actors) and resilience (their ability to withstand or counteract organised crime activities).
Read full article here: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2023-10-23-southern-africas-security-hinges-on-collectively-actioning-organised-crime-strategies-clamping-down-on-trafficking/
Employment and Labour on Labour Migration Policy and Governance dialogue
South African Government, 26 Oct 2023
“The rationale of the National Labour Migration Policy (NLMP) is to achieve a balance between the South African population expectations, labour market needs, protection of migrant workers and their families, together with regional integration and cooperation imperatives,” said the Acting Director General.
Read full article here: Employment and Labour on Labour Migration Policy and Governance dialogue | South African Government (www.gov.za)
UWC Hosts the International Symposium on Migration and Mobilities
Nathan Adams (UWC), 18 October 2023
The three-day symposium was held in partnership with the Migration and Food Security in the Global South: Interactions, Impacts and Remedies (MiFood Network), a global group of researchers from 13 countries. The event was attended by delegates from 19 countries across North and Central America, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.
Read full article here: https://www.uwc.ac.za/news-and-announcements/news/uwc-hosts-the-international-symposium-on-migration-and-mobilities