SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

New SIHMA research projects for the Migration and Mobility Dialogue Support Programme

SIHMA successfully participated together with other organisations in an ICMPD call for proposals for the MMD Migration and Mobility Dialogue Support Programme.

The Project, lead by the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town, icludes COMRSA (Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa) in South Africa and Jesuit Refugee Service Uganda (JRS) and the Catholic Centre for Legal Aid Services in Uganda.

Migration is a global challenge, which can only be addressed through joint action. Africa and Europe are working together in a spirit of solidarity, partnership, and shared responsibility, striving to create a positive impact on both continents.

The Support Project to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD) aims at supporting the orderly, safe and responsible migration and mobility of people within Africa and between Africa and Europe. It is part of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy. Now in its third phase, the multi-faceted Project continues to support ICMPD-facilitated migration dialogues (Rabat Process, Khartoum Process, and the AU-EU Continent-to-Continent Migration and Mobility Dialogue), and to follow up on the Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP). Via competitive grants, it also supports selected initiatives of local authorities, civil society organisations (CSOs) and diaspora organisations. The aim is to facilitate links with the JVAP framework and the dialogues and increase the contribution of non-governmental stakeholders in the field of migration and mobility on the continental, regional and /or multi-country levels. The Project thereby adheres to the five domains of the JVAP: (i) development benefits of migration and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement, (ii) legal migration and mobility, (iii) protection and asylum, (iv) prevention of and fight against irregular migration, migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and (v) return, readmission and reintegration. 


      • increased orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people within Africa and between Africa and Europe;
      • improved governance of migration and mobility within Africa, and between Africa and Europe, based on a shared and common vision towards an integrated approach to migration and mobility;
      • a sustained dialogue on cooperation and collaboration on migration- and mobility related issues; and 
      • an effective framework established for consultation, coordination, and structured cooperation.


      • development and operationalisation of cooperation frameworks on migration;
      • establishment of a network of national focal and contact points to facilitate dialogues and joint action;
      • identification and exchange of good practices at national, regional and continental levels; and
      • delivery of tailored technical assistance to strengthen capacities of national, regional and continental stakeholders. 

The Rabat Process, Khartoum Process, Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP) Follow-up, the AU-EU Continent-to-Continent Migration and Mobility Dialogue (C2CMMD), as well as a Grants Component to support projects implemented by local authorities and CSOs, all come together to form the MMD.

The Action of the project is called Enhance Protection and Asylum: a South–South dialogue to advocate for improved protection, asylum process, rights realisation and access to services and durable solutions.

The overall objective of this action is to engage on and compare South Africa’s and Uganda’s legal context, to advocate for the enhancing and ensuring of asylum access, quality asylum processes for forced migrants including children; and access to rights, protection, documentation and services for asylum seekers and refugees from arrival in host country to effectively accessing durable solutions with dignity.

As part of this proposal SIHMA will be conducting research and comparative analysis to inform submissions on law and policy, engagements and events and awareness raising material on asylum, enriched by engagements and key informant interviews with civil society organisations, refugee led organisations and relevant stakeholders in both countries, South Africa and Uganda. A conference will host the disucssion about the findings of the research.

A specific output of the proposal is also to foster pan African cooperation for the promotion of best practices for the protection, rights realisation and access to documentation and services for children on the move, especially for unaccompanied and separated children. Another desktop research and key informant interbiews with stakeholders  will be relaised to produce a report, that will be discussed in a conference/workshop for validaton and in order to generate a tool kit for practitioners dealing with children on the move.


We will publish more information soon about this project on our RESEARCH PROJECT page.



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