April Press Review
Conflict Drives Displacement Amidst Rising Climate Shocks: New Africa Migration Report
IOM, 26 March 2024
Conflict and violence remain the main drivers of displacement and movements in sub-Saharan Africa in 2022, exacerbated by increasing climate shocks and hazards, according to a new report launched today by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the African Union Commission (AUC).
The report, which is the second edition of the Africa Migration Report, highlights that migration primarily occurs within the Africa continent, rather than beyond its borders.
The interlinks between migration drivers in Africa, including economic disparities, political instability, and the impacts of climate change is also emphasized in the report. Prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa and severe seasonal flooding across the continent evidently led to record internal displacements in 2022, adding to the fact that many African countries experienced conflict and climate events at the same time.
Read full article here: https://www.iom.int/news/conflict-drives-displacement-amidst-rising-climate-shocks-new-africa-migration-report
Africa Migration Report: Linking policy, practice and the welfare of the African migrant Internal: Africa Migration Report
IOM, 26 March 2024
Asserting and painting a true picture on Africa Migration narrative is a preoccupation for the African Union and actors that active the migration discourse in Africa. This is according to a new report, the 2nd Edition of the Africa Migration Report, launched today by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The new report further highlights that migration has remained predominantly within the continent, as opposed to outside of Africa.
Read full article from: https://au.int/en/pressreleases/20240326/africa-migration-report-linking-policy-practice-and-welfare-african-migrant
West Africa needs a holistic solution to its migration crisis, which includes defending democracy
Kofi Annan Foundation, 19 March 2024
Whilst acknowledging the huge contribution immigrants make to their host states, the discussions at the Forum invariably returned to the growing rejection they are facing across the world, and notably in West Africa itself, due to the unprecedented numbers on the move. Participants lamented the growing xenophobia against Muslim immigrants from the Sahel, many of whom are unfairly conflated with terrorists.
Read full article here: https://www.kofiannanfoundation.org/supporting-democracy-and-elections-with-integrity/west-africa-needs-holistic-solution-to-migration-crisis-including-defending-democracy/
SADC Ministers of Employment and Labour and Social Partners call for intensified action to promote decent work in the region
Southern Africa Development Community, 28 March 2024
The SADC Executive Secretary, His Excellency Mr. Elias Mpedi Magosi, highlighted that unemployment and underemployment posed the most urgent development challenge for the region, particularly with youth unemployment rates exceeding 50% in some countries, disproportionately affecting young women. Where employment was generally low, decent work deficits remained prevalent due to poor working conditions, weak social security systems and high informality. Recognising these deep-rooted challenges, the Executive Secretary called upon Member States to prioritize practical actions and collaborative strategies to address these concerns. He reiterated the call by the SADC Council of Ministers for the implementation of pro-employment macroeconomic and sectoral policies geared towards economic structural transformation, emphasising the need to enhance technical capacities for implementation at country level.
Read full article here: https://www.sadc.int/latest-news/sadc-ministers-employment-and-labour-and-social-partners-call-intensified-action
Movement Intention Survey Dashboard - Erati, Nampula, Mozambique (March 2024)
IOM, March 2024
IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix in collaboration with INGD conducted a movement intention survey to 1,062 household hosting 5,010 individuals displaced from Chiure district in Cabo Delgado to Erati district in Nampula province. Conflict and/or fear of attacks due to Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Cabo Delgado was the main trigger of displacement. 95% were displaced from Ocua posto. 52% of the IDPs are female whilst 48% are males. Children consitutes 55% of the IDPs.
Read full article here: https://dtm.iom.int/reports/movement-intention-survey-dashboard-erati-nampula-mozambique-march-2024
Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment
Statistics SA, 24 March 2024
Labour migration, the movement of individuals across the borders for employment purposes, is a fundamental aspect of the global economy and has profound social, economic, and political implications. According to the report, Migration profile report for South Africa: A country profile 2023 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), most migrants entering South Africa originate from countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region.
Results from Census 2022 showed that the SADC region remained the dominant source for international migrants, contributing 83,7% of the total immigrant population. The United Kingdom and Europe region, however, saw a significant decrease, from 22,3% in 2001 to 4,9% in 2022.
Read full article here: https://www.statssa.gov.za/?p=17111
Stats SA has released its first-ever migration profile, which tracks the movements of labour migration in the SADC region
The Voice of the Cape, 28 March 2024
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has released its first-ever migration profile, which has tracked the movements of labour migration in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.
Speaking on VOC’s In Conversation show on Wednesday, the Chief Director responsible for demographic and population Statistics Diego Iturralde, said the genesis of this report stems from the processes around the negotiation of the global compact for safe, orderly, and regular migration, which South Africa signed in 2018.
Read full article here: https://www.vocfm.co.za/stats-sa-has-released-its-first-ever-migration-profile-which-has-tracked-the-movements-of-labour-migration-in-the-sadc-region/
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