SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

High-Level Asia-Oceania Regional Conference on “Future of Work”

The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) organizes a High-Level Asia-Oceania Regional Conference on “Future of Work”. Between the 1st and 4th December 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. Father Filippo, Executive Director of SIHMA, will attend the Conference and the Annual meeting of the ICMC Asia-Oceania Working Group, and present the research done by Dr. M. Weideman about the labour-related experiences of migrants and refugees in South Africa.

The High-Level Regional Conference on the Future of Work aims to bring together Faith Leaders, social partners and NGO representatives engaged in promoting decent work and just policies related to labor migration. This initiative enjoys close collaboration with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and is being organized as part of a two-year initiative promoted by a network of Catholic Church-inspired organizations active in labor-related advocacy called The Future of Work, Labour after the Pope’s Encyclical Laudato Si.

Some of the participants include officials from ILO, IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, OHCHR, the Vatican’s Migrants & Refugees Section, religious leaders from different faith traditions, as well as the ICMC Working Group members, and representatives of other Catholic-inspired and civil society organizations. During the Conference the Center for Migration Studies liaison office in Manila will launch its research findings from the study of Filipino and Vietnamese fisher-people working on Taiwanese fishing vessels and on a project focusing promoting sustainable agriculture as an alternative to migration.

The focus of ICMC Asia-Oceania Migration Conference and Working Group will be on the following topics:

  • – Child Migrants and Refugees and Human trafficking
  • – Labour migration and an overview in the Asia- Oceania regions
  • – Future of Work Initiative research and good practices in response to labor migration, as well as the Inter-religious engagement on labor migration.

More about the project Future of Work can be found on this link:


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