SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

After all Project: A timeless collection of memories & wisdom from elders around the world

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After all Team


"Lunghe Vite e Migrazioni" (Long lives and migration) is a project aimed at creating a collection of video interviews of Italian citizens over 80 years old residing in South Africa. The interviews will be a platform for sharing with younger generations the experiences and awareness of the person being interviewed, using the most effective communication tools of our time. The goal is to preserve and share the cultural heritage of the Italian community in South Africa, highlighting migration paths and experiences.

During the interviews, people who lived long lives will have the opportunity to recall some of the most significant moments in their life, highlighting their uniqueness, on one side, and the common thread that binds all human beings, on the other. The narration of their lived experiences will shed light on some of the opportunities and challenges faced by people who have had the opportunity to live through decades of great change in both their home country and the country that has become their new home, creating dialogue and discussion on issues of migration and cultural integration.

"Lunghe Vite e Migrazioni" enjoys the support of Comites (the Committee of Italians Abroad) as one of their projects for 2023. Once published, therefore, the interviews will be accessible through Comites’ website, as well as in a YouTube channel specifically dedicated to the Italian community in South Africa.

The interviews will also be published in the global collection of the After All Project.

"Lunghe Vite e Migrazioni" is in fact a spin-off of this global project whose purpose is the collection of interviews of people aged 80 and older, all over the world – without barriers of language, geography or culture. After All has a YouTube channel as well as a website where the interviews are showcased, that will be enriched by those collected through the "Lunghe Vite e Migrazioni" project.

Through the powerful medium of personal narrative, the project provides insight into the lives of a generation that has experienced significant historical events, and whose experiences and perspectives can enrich and inspire future generations. Long lives do indeed make great stories, and we want to ensure that these stories are not lost.

Are you over 80? Would you like to share your story? Contact us at


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