SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: migration

SIHMA Annual Report 2021

Jun 28, 2022
Categories: news

SIHMA’s annual report for 2021 has now been released with information about the organisation and its activities from 2020 to 2021. The report covers SIHMA’s four key focus areas, namely Research; Publications; Training and Capacity Building; and Events, as well as more general information about the organisation and its work. You can find a link to an online version of the report... Annual Report 2021 Cover.jpg

SIHMA's Collaborations in the Academic Field

Mar 01, 2022
Categories: Articles news

At SIHMA, the vision and the line that guides our work is based on the defence of the human rights of people on the move. With the idea of ensuring their dignity and access to the fundamental resources to develop their life projects, SIHMA focuses part of its activity on research.   OUR OBJECTIVE IN ESTABLISHING COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS: Knowing the different contexts of the people, delving into the different perspectives of each migratory process and identifying... (1).jpeg

Victoria's reflection on her internship at SIHMA

Jan 25, 2022
Categories: news

SIHMA’s team would like to thank the excellent job and contribution of our Intern Victoria, who finished her in person experience at the Cape Town Office last December. She really helped in many communication and research projects, dedicating her time in sharing knowledge and passion for human rights and migration. We are grateful for her presence and we wish she can pursuit her goals and studies in the humanitarian field.  Here is her reflection at the... TESTIMONIAL BLOG POST.png

Born in the stable not in a home

Dec 21, 2021
Categories: news

One of the songs that are regularly sung by those who are far from their homes as we are approaching the Christmas season is “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” done by Bing Crosby. Christmas has been regarded for ages as a feast to be at home with parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and friends!  To gather together as a family at home playing Christmas games and listening to Christmas music! What a wonderful sense of belonging to be at that...

Madagascar Crisis

Dec 14, 2021
Categories: news

Madagascar, one of the lowest carbon emitters globally, is one of the countries worst affected by the consequences of global warming. Madagascar, is the world's first climate change directly induced famine [5].  Southern Madagascar is going through a very difficult time. It is suffering the worst drought in more than 40 years, with more than a million people on the brink of starvation. The overwhelming drought is leading to a violation of the basic human rights...

Advocates’ Migration Brief - Litigation in respect of Undocumented Children

Aug 31, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA’s research paper series entitled the Advocates’ Migration Brief sees its third iteration as the series addresses recent judicial decisions relating to people on the move from the perspective of Court Advocates. The third article in the series is entitled “Litigation in respect of Undocumented Children” and is an interesting read on the hardship undocumented children are experiencing in South Africa [1]. It is estimated that the country is home to almost 1 million undocumented children [5]. Many... in respect of Undocumented Children ONLINE.jpg