SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: news

Considering Impact of COVID-19 on the Lives and Livelihoods of Congolese Female Asylum Seekers and Refugees

May 18, 2021
Categories: news

  We had the pleasure of reading the latest edition of the African Human Mobility and in particular the second article entitled ‘COVID-19 and its Effects on the Lives and Livelihoods of Congolese Female Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the City of Cape Town’ [1]. South Africa is a host of a minimum of 25,000 refugees from the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo that has seen more than 5.1 million people displaced from the... Effects on the Lives of Congolese Female-AHMR.png

Recent Research from Across the Continent

May 11, 2021
Categories: news

  The African Human Mobility Review published a series of thought-provoking articles in April 2021 [1]. Interestingly three of the five articles in the edition of the AHMR focus on migrant women. To get an idea of what the AHMR is consider the following:  The African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed on-line journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects (socio-economic, political, legislative and developmental) of human mobility... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

Welcome to Our New Researcher and Coordinator at SIHMA Johannesburg

May 04, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA has the pleasure to announce the appointment of our new researcher and coordinator of SIHMA’s new Johannesburg Office, Fr Eduardo Gabriel. Fr Eduardo started at SIHMA officially in May 2021 engaging in research for SIHMA as he resides in Brazil in anticipation of travelling to South Africa to work at our Johannesburg Office. As SIHMA engages in research and publishes reports, working papers and briefs, our journal (AHMR[1]) and shorter researched blog posts in our Blog on... Eduardo Picture.jpeg

Welcome to Our New Researcher

Apr 20, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA has the pleasure to announce the appointment of a new junior researcher, Muluh Momasoh, at SIHMA who started on Monday 19 April 2021. As SIHMA engages in research and publishes reports, working papers and briefs, our journal (AHMR[1]) and shorter researched blog posts in our Blog on the Move [2], we are excited to be bolstering our research capacity. SIHMA strives to fulfil our mission ‘to conduct and disseminate research that contributes to the understanding of human... picture2 (002).jpg


Apr 13, 2021
Categories: news

How are we as a society doing in terms of inclusion, unity, and integration? How are people on the move treated within communities and while on the move? In some ways society is more accepting, inclusive, and understanding than it has been in previous years. The pandemic has shaken the foundations of existence across the world and exposed our fragility. We have a new appreciation for humanity, human dignity and for life itself. Yet in the midst of...

The advocates' migration brief - accessing Asylum

Apr 06, 2021
Categories: news

  Whenever someone flees their country due to persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion or flees due to war, violence or events seriously disturbing to public order they should be able to apply for refugee status in the country they flee to. Someone applying for refugee status is an asylum seeker. Regrettably at some stages in South Africa’s recent history there have been and to a lesser extent still are...