SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: news

SIHMA Reflections on the Experiences of Two Interns Working Remotely for SIHMA

Jul 27, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA was pleased to receive and work with two volunteers who each worked remotely with SIHMA in recent months. It was a pleasure to receive both interns and we are thankful for the time and effort they have put in to assist SIHMA work towards our vision of  ‘An Africa where the human rights of people on the move are ensured and their dignity is promoted.’ Reflection from April Walter My name April Walter. ...

Considering South African Domestic Remittances in the Direction of a Legal and Regulatory Framework

Jul 20, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA had the opportunity to read and reflected on an article entitled Towards a Legal and Regulatory Framework for South African Domestic Remittances: Some Considerations by Vivienne Lawack. The article looks at the results of an exploratory study conducted by Vivienne Lawack and is published in the newest edition of SIHMA and UWC’s collaborative peer review journal the AHMR.  The study examined the legal and regulatory framework for domestic remittances within the South African legal context and provides recommendations for future policy objectives.  Globally,... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

Probing the Context of Vulnerability: Zimbabwean Migrant Women’s Experiences of Accessing Public Health Care in South Africa

Jul 06, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA had the pleasure of reading the latest edition of the African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) Volume 7 Number 1 and specifically in this blog post focuses on the first article named ‘Probing the Context of Vulnerability: Zimbabwean Migrant Women’s Experiences of Accessing Public Health Care in South Africa’ by Victoria M Mutambara and Maheshvari Naidu [1]. You can find the article here.  SIHMA has also previously written a blog post about this Volume of... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

New interns 2021 in the team

Jun 08, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA has the pleasure to welcome three new members in the team, two remote interns from United States, April Noelle, Mary Cascarelli who started to collaborate from the 31st of May until the 23rd of July and an in person intern from Norway, Victoria Jensen, who joined the team from the 14th of June for six month. The interns will be engaged in research and communications, to fulfil SIHMA’s mission ‘to conduct and disseminate research that contributes to... 2021.png

Scalabrini Celebration and Commemoration of June 1st

Jun 01, 2021
Categories: news

  On 1 June Scalabrini Organisations across the world together with the broader global community celebrate and commemorate the Feast of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini.  At the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town on 1 June 2021, all staff and volunteers from that Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town and from the SIHMA gathered to celebrate and reflect on...

Maita's Internship at SIHMA

May 25, 2021
Categories: news

My name is Maita Deborah Jena. I am 20 years old. I was born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe and I am a second-year student at the University of Middlesex (Mauritius Branch Campus). I am currently working towards obtaining a LLB Law degree with International Relations. I worked for SIHMA as an intern beginning in January 2021 and completing it in June. I found SIHMA through a third party organisation and was very...