10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
From 12 to 16 October 2020, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was hosting the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. This year’s conference was hosted online, which allow SIHMA’s to assist to a few of the side events on issues regarding migration. Programme of the virtual side events: https://www.unodc.org/documents/treaties/UNTOC/COP/SESSION_10/Website/Practical_info/UNTOC_COP10_-_Final_Programme_of_Side_Events_14_October_with_links_.pdf Prevention of Involuntary Migration through Quality Education and Empowerment...
Differences in Mental Health among Migrants and Non-migrants in South Africa: Evidence from the National Income Dynamics Study’
Have you ever thought about how your mental health and feeling of joy and jubilation or those of sadness and depression may be linked to certain aspects of your life and or past experience? A number of factors influence our mental health and well-being and one of these is, in some cases, the impact of migration whether it be internal or international...
South Africa at the Precipice of Opportunity – Covid-19 Vaccinations
Covid-19 Vaccines are being distributed and administered all over the world. India, Egypt, and Guinea are all developing countries that have commenced vaccination with the latter two being African countries which are administering vaccines. Regrettably, Africa as a continent, lags behind with respect to vaccinations (1). Despite South Africa being one of the continents most developed and wealthiest countries the vaccination plan and roll out has been slow and received criticism from a number of...
Only One Home (UnaSolaCasa) Humanity’s Response to the Test of Covid-19
At the end of March 2020, in the midst of the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scalabrinian Missionaries for the Europe and Africa region, through the Scalabrinian Agency for Cooperation and Development (ASCS), have promoted in their regional network of missionary positions and initiatives (Scalabrini International Migration Network - regional SIMN) through a campaign to raise awareness and funds to primarily support migrants and refugees as "neighbours", who are suffering under the pandemic, due...
Determinants of Healthy Aging in Internally Displaced Communities in Nigeria
How we age and our health prospects is an issue that concerns everyone, and it is further interesting to look at different populations to assess what factors influence healthy aging. In SIHMA’s African Human Mobility Review Journal Adebayo O.M. Makanju and Hafiz T.A. Khan explore and consider the determinants of Healthy Aging in Internally Displaced Communities in Nigeria. The article may be summarised...
Remittances and economic growth: Evidence from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
There has, in recent years, been a growing consensus amongst migration scholars and economists around the connection between diaspora and economic development. Yet, only a few studies have actually examined this connection, and their results have not always been conclusive. In our latest edition of the African Human Mobility Review, a joint effort with the University of Western Cape, we published Mulatu F. Zerihun’s research paper titled “Remittances and Economic Growth: Evidence from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda”...