World Refugee Day 2021
The United Nations General Assembly introduced World Refugee Day in 2001. Before 2001, June 20th was celebrated as African Refugee Day, introduced in 1975. This day was established in 1975 by the then Organization for African Unity, now called the African Union. Today, the two days coincide to honor refugees around the world. It celebrates the dignity of the forcibly displaced. [1] Who is a refugee? According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee...

Welcome to Our New Researcher and Coordinator at SIHMA Johannesburg
SIHMA has the pleasure to announce the appointment of our new researcher and coordinator of SIHMA’s new Johannesburg Office, Fr Eduardo Gabriel. Fr Eduardo started at SIHMA officially in May 2021 engaging in research for SIHMA as he resides in Brazil in anticipation of travelling to South Africa to work at our Johannesburg Office. As SIHMA engages in research and publishes reports, working papers and briefs, our journal (AHMR[1]) and shorter researched blog posts in our Blog on...

Climate and Migration
We often hear about forced migration and the plight of refugees or about labour migration and indeed about Climate Change. Yet we do not hear as readily about the impact of climate change and natural disasters on migration. It is important to reflect on this and to consider important steps that should be taken to protect and care for our planet and for the African Continent and her inhabitants. It is also crucial to advocate...

10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
From 12 to 16 October 2020, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was hosting the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. This year’s conference was hosted online, which allow SIHMA’s to assist to a few of the side events on issues regarding migration. Programme of the virtual side events: Prevention of Involuntary Migration through Quality Education and Empowerment...

Exclusion of migrant women in Africa | Access to education
Continuing the Series on Migrant Women Continuing our series on the exclusion of migrant women, we are looking at the rather limited access to education that migrant women have around Africa. The education of any child, boy or girl, is an undeniably essential and fundamental human right. However, for millions of women and girls among the world’s migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking population, education is not a reality. Migrant and displaced...

2020 Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative - Building Communities of Hope and Belonging
The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) and the University of Notre Dame will hold the 2020 Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative Conference on Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 2, 2020. Out of an abundance of caution for all who would like to participate, this year’s conference will take place virtually. This annual event is part of CMS’s Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII) which seeks to understand, expand and strengthen the...