SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: press review

July 2022 - Press Review

Aug 04, 2022
Categories: news press review

Photo by Filip Mishevski  on Unsplash National Coverage South Africa: UN experts condemn xenophobic violence and racial discrimination against foreign nations OHCHR, 15 July 2022 The United Nations condemned reports of increasing violence against foreign nationals in South Africa and called for the government to be more accountable against the xenophobic, racist, and hate-inspired speech that impact the...

June 2022 - Press Review

Jul 07, 2022
Categories: press review

National Coverage Vigilantes and violence have migrants in South Africa scared for their lives The Washington Post, June 5, 2022 Those involved in the operation claim that the Zulu word "dudula" means "to push back." The official unemployment rate was around 35% in the first quarter of this year, according to government statistics. The astounding 42 percent rate of unemployment among employees between the ages of 25 and 34 is...

May 2022 - Press Review

Jun 09, 2022
Categories: press review

National Coverage ‘Fix the economy’ - warns institute amid study showing high number of South African want to emigrate IOL, 13 May 2022 The Inclusive Society Institute performed a study that revealed that South Africans are not emigrating from the country due to “hatred of their country” but rather due to economic outlook in other nations and the poor outlook of the economic status in South Africa. The...

April 2022 - Press Review

May 26, 2022
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Asylum seeker’s bribery case highlights plight of refugees Eye Witness News, 04 April 2022 As the head of Advocacy of Scalabrini Center James Chapman highlighted, refugees and asylum seekers should not be mislabelled with unfavourable terms, considering that it only helps rising the already existent xenophobic rhetoric. Read the full article at:

January 2022 - Press Review

Feb 10, 2022
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   South Africa: Undocumented Man Applying for Refugee Status Can Remain in SA, ConCourt Rules All Africa - 14/01/22 The Constitutional Court has ruled that a delay in an application for refugee status does not affect one’s right to apply for recognition as...

December 2021 - Press Review

Jan 06, 2022
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   SA's 'beautiful laws' fail LGBTQ+ migrants fleeing persecution News24 - 16/12/21 South Africa, that has some of the world's most progressive LGBTQ+ laws, attracts LGBTQ+ migrants from the continent and beyond escaping prosecution and homophobia. In 1996 South Africa was the first country to ban discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and in 2006 it became the only nation to legalise same-sex marriage in...