FILM Screening Events for Migrant and Refugees
SIHMA in collaboration with the SCCT and the St John Parish in Maitland will be conducting a series of film screening events with migrants and refugees. The films that are part of the work by STEPS, a Cape Town-based non-profit media company that works in the documentary space in Africa, connects filmmakers, broadcasters, funders and community-based organizations using documentary films as a tool for social change. The films that are going to be screened are part of...
SACBC Training for Pastoral Agents of Migration
The Southern Africa Catholic Bishop Conference has organised his traditional Training program on migration for pastoral agents, that took place at the Lumko Institute in Benoni (Johannesburg ) on the 27-31 March 2023. The Training involved coordinators of desks for pastoral care of migrants and refugees and Caritas operators from different dioceses of 5 countries: South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, and Mozambique. The main objectives of the 4 days course were: 1. To share experiences on the responses...
After all Project: A timeless collection of memories & wisdom from elders around the world
Photo from: After all Team "Lunghe Vite e Migrazioni" (Long lives and migration) is a project aimed at creating a collection of video interviews of Italian citizens over 80 years old residing in South Africa. The interviews will be a platform for sharing with younger generations the experiences and awareness of the person being interviewed, using...
Disability and Migration in South Africa
Photo by Charles Deluvio on unsplash Disability inclusion and ensuring access to rights for all people with disability is critical in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). An estimated 1.3 billion people globally are living/experiencing a significant disability accounting for 16% of the world’s population (United Nations (UN), 2023). The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) defines persons with disabilities as “those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers...
Lent At Sea
Lent is the liturgical season of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting in preparation for Easter. As is customary during this time, the forehead is marked with the cross sign to mark the beginning of the season. This is a sign of humility that man comes from ashes and shall return to ashes as well as a sign of repentance for sins. Catholic faithful around the world goes to church on Ash Wednesday to receive ashes and begin Lent's 40...
Scalabrini Centre Cape Town Access to Higher Education for Migrants and Refugees Symposium
Access to education is important in providing a link between earning and learning allowing young people to thrive and transition to the pursuit of sustainable features (UNHCR, 2019). Access to education for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants not only benefits the individuals seekers involved, but also the host country’s economic and social development. Although this is a fact, access to higher education for non-nationals remains a challenge in most host countries (Martin & Stulgaitis, 2022; Kavuro, 2021). They face...