Scalabrini Migration Study Centers Meeting
SIHMA is one of seven research centers of the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN). These include Centro Studi Emigrazione (CSER) in Rome, Centre for Migration Studies (CMS) in New York, Centro De Estudos Migratorios (CEM) in Sao Paulo, Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA) in Argentia, Centre d’information et d’études sur les migrations internationals (CIEMI) in Paris, Scalabrini Migration Center...
The new issue of the African Human Mobility Review (Vol.10 n.1) is available online!
With immense pleasure we present the first 2024 issue of the African Human Mobility Review (AHMR). It provides up-to-date, high-quality, and original contributions – research papers, syntheses, and a book review – dealing with various aspects of human mobility in Africa. AHMR is served by a very competent Editorial Board along with a network of scholars from around the world with an interdisciplinary f ield of study helping to secure high-quality and original contributions toward evidence-based policymaking. We...

“Border towns and spaces of (in)visibility: A Study of young people on the move in the border towns of Chipata and Katete, Zambia” Launch
As part its 10 years of existence celebrations, the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa held an event to launch the research on “Border towns and spaces of (in)visibility: A Study of young people on the move in the border towns of Chipata and Katete, Zambia”. This research comes as part of SIHMA’s research agenda which is conducting research on human mobility with the aim to bridge the gap between academia...

South Africa Celebrating 30 years of Freedom
Thirty years ago, on the 27th of April, South Africa conducted its first democratic election where millions of South Africans voted against the apartheid regime. This was a memorable event that welcomed South Africa to freedom after many years of oppression, inequality, corruption, social ills, and lawlessness only to mention a few. For South Africa, the “Freedom Day” is not just a commemoration of freedom from these challenges...

SIHMA's Participation in “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato si’” Project Consultation
The Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility will be participating in “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato si’” Project, being facilitated by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), and the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development. The purpose of the project is to Promote “Care is work, work is care” toward Building a Global Transformative Community, as a response to the call for the care of creation...

“Border towns and spaces of (in)visibility: Study of young people on the move in the border towns of Chipata and Katete, Zambia”
The Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa will be hosting an event to launch the “Border towns and spaces of (in)visibility: A Study of young people on the move in the border towns of Chipata and Katete, Zambia”. This event comes as part of a series of 2024 events to celebrate 10 years of SIHMA’s existence and research on human mobility with the aim to bridge the gap between academia and practice by informing programmes,...