Finalization of the Annual Report 2023
SIHMA is proud to announce that the 2023 Annual Report is currently in the finalization and production process. The report provides an overview of research projects, publications, and Africa on the Move statistics. It begins with an overview of SIHMA’s organization and its relationship with trustees and staff. Next, the report focuses on SIHMA’s key areas of interest, including research, publications, and events. Lastly, it concludes with Africa on the Move statistics, examining key data on human migration over...
Pathways of well-being and belonging among migrant youth in Cape Town
“Pathways of well-being and belonging among migrant youth in Cape Town” research Children and young people with experiences of migration in South Africa are building their lives in contexts of deep insecurity. The process of finding a sense of home in their new environments is complex, and through this research, SIHMA aim to build an understanding of the barriers to and facilitators to building their sense of belonging and how this affects their well-being. Previous research identified the need to...

July Press Review
International: Biden’s new immigration plan: How will it work? 19 June 2024 AlJazeera Just ahead of the United States Presidential election, which will take place in November of 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden has released a new plan regarding immigration policies. With immigration being a hot topic of concern in the United States, many suspect Joe Biden has made this policy suggestion just ahead of the election to secure more votes against his opponent, Donald...

Release of Good practices Migrants and Refugees 2022 Report
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has released the Good practices Migrants and Refugees 2022 reports. The development of the Good Practices was guided by the109th Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) of the Holy Father focusing on the theme “Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay”. The theme, Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay, is used to “ensure that all have the conditions necessary for accessing integral...

2024 World Refugee Day
Every year on the 20th of June, the world comes together to celebrate the annual World Refugee Day. In honor of this crucial day, Scalabrini Centre hosted a day filled with activities, commemorating and celebrating the experience of migration. With the theme of World Refugee Day being, ‘Our Home’, Scalabrini Centre and SIHMA focused on the importance of community and comfortability when integrating into a new country. Hosted at the Scalabrini...

C7 Highlights the Importance of Human Mobility at G7 Summit
This year the Group of Seven, otherwise known as the G7, celebrated 50 years of their annual summit in Italy. Consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America, the G7 summit created an opportunity to share policy recommendations that can resolve issues impacting the world. Key interest groups attend the G7 summit in order to participate in dialogue with these seven countries. The C7, otherwise known as the Civil Seven is...