SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: human mobility

Good news for children of undocumented foreign parents and guardians for their admission into South African schools

Feb 04, 2025
Categories: Migrants Migration in Africa Migration Policies Rights SCCT SIHMA Statelessness wellbeing

CHILDREN of undocumented foreign nationals will not be required to produce any form of identification before registering for admission at any school in South Africa. For decades, undocumented children have been largely excluded from the education system, left on the margins by restrictive policies and legislative gaps. Recent developments signal a monumental shift towards a more inclusive approach, harmonizing South Africa’s laws with international standards and reinforcing undocumented immigrant children's right to basic education. Blog Posts/emmanuel-ikwuegbu-M-4lFg1Xfag-unsplash.jpg

SIHMA Annual Report 2021

Jun 28, 2022
Categories: news

SIHMA’s annual report for 2021 has now been released with information about the organisation and its activities from 2020 to 2021. The report covers SIHMA’s four key focus areas, namely Research; Publications; Training and Capacity Building; and Events, as well as more general information about the organisation and its work. You can find a link to an online version of the report... Annual Report 2021 Cover.jpg

SIHMA trip to the Ivory Coast

Apr 19, 2022
Categories: news

During the week of 29 March to 7 April, the director of SIHMA, Fr Filippo Ferraro, visited Abidjan in the Ivory Coast for meetings with various institutions and organisations. In the framework of the collaboration with the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Holy See, there was a meeting with Fr Emmanuel Wohi Nin, Secretary of the Bishops' Conference of Côte d'Ivoire, and some of his collaborators. There was a fruitful exchange of contacts and information about the...

SIHMA Annual Report 2020

Jul 29, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA’s annual report for 2020 has now been released with information about the organisation and its activities from 2019 to 2020. The report covers SIHMA’s four key focus areas, namely Research; Publications; Training and Capacity Building; and Events, as well as more general information about the organisation and its work. You can find a link to an online version of the report at the bottom of this page.  "We have spent a year behind the screen,... Annual Report 2020-21 cover.jpg

Technical Workshop to Review the AU Training Curriculum on Migration Governance

Aug 27, 2019
Categories: Event Migration in Africa

From 17 to 19 July 2019, the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa, SIHMA, was invited to the workshop organized by the African Union in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, to define the training programme for governments and public administration officials of different countries managing the complex phenomenon of migration. Other stakeholders at the workshop were the most important study centres and universities on the African continent, with expertise in migration, especially...