“ Overlooked for Too Long: Boys and Human Trafficking”.
Photo by Kate Oseen According to the United States of America (USA) Department of State (2023 p. 37), “Trafficking in persons (TIP)” and “human trafficking” are umbrella terms—often used interchangeably—to refer to a crime whereby traffickers exploit and profit at the expense of adults or children by compelling them to perform labour or engage in commercial sex. TIP remains a challenge globally, as millions of people are trafficked globally for...
Brenthurst Research: No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe
Keywords: non-national, statelessness, resilience, migrants In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa experienced one of Africa's highest COVID infection rates. Consequently, the country was plunged into a deep economic crisis evidenced by high inflation rates, skyrocketing unemployment rates, especially among the youth, and high poverty rates. This culminated in deep frustration among the local citizenry, who blamed the proliferation of non-nationals in South Africa for their poor conditions. Such frustrations turned into...
Migrant Ministry Report in Africa During the Pandemic Crisis
This report was commissioned by the Migrants & Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and compiled by the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA). In recent years the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) has compiled two other Ministry Reports commissioned by the Migrants & Refugees Section looking at the different Roman Catholic Ministries across the African continent and the incredible work they are doing with respect to people on...
Palabek: different refugee residence approaches in Uganda and South Sudan
SIHMA published a report written by Filippo Ferraro, Lola Verkuil and James Chapman. The report discusses the difference between two refugee residence approaches: the emergency camp and the formal settlement. It attempts to reflect on the lives of those living in these residences and show the differences specifically between the Internally Displaced Peoples Camp Gumbo in South Sudan and the formal settlement Palabek in Uganda. By taking a closer look at the experiences of three people...
The Report: 'Labour-related experiences of Migrants and Refugees in South Africa' is now published
On the 16th of March, SIHMA published Dr. Marinda Weideman’s report on the labour-related experiences of migrants and refugees in South Africa. It is an extensive report based on interviews with 17 subject experts, 2 employers and 39 migrants and refugees. The purpose of the report was to understand the processes pertaining to the employment and working conditions of migrants and refugees in South Africa. Dr. Weideman notes 13 key findings: The most likely reason for migration among the...
Africa Report: South Africa's country profile
The Africa Report #110, which came out in January 2020, dedicated a large section of this issue to 147 country profiles, discussing the current situation of the country and its perspective on the upcoming year. This blogpost will describe the key topics of South Africa’s country profile. In the last term, major policy interventions were announced by the leading party; these include wider economic reforms, cuts to the civil service and the establishment...