SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: USA

The Impact of International Sanctions on Zimbabwe’s Migratory Regime

Nov 19, 2024
Categories: Articles human rights Migrants Migration in Africa news SIHMA

The movement of Zimbabweans beyond their country’s borders has captured international attention, becoming a poignant reminder of the broader socio-economic challenges the country faces. A closer look reveals that this phenomenon is not a matter of personal ambition for migrants, but rather a survival strategy catalyzed by external and internal pressures, most notably the economic sanctions imposed by the international community, the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union on Zimbabwe. The... 4.jpg

A Comparison Between South African and United States’ Immigration Policy

Oct 20, 2020
Categories: news

  Comparison and Path to Permanent Residency:   Acquiring permanent residence in a country other than your birth country comes with trials and tribulations. As of 2019, the number of international migrants stood at approximately 272 million, making up 3.5 percent of the world’s population (1). In South Africa, the number of international migrants stands at approximately 4.2 million, and South Africa is the country with the largest number of international migrants on the...