Press Reviews & Releases

Press Review March 2020

Apr 02, 2020
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   South Africa removes migrants squatting in Cape Town March 1, 2020 Hundreds of foreign migrants have been removed from central Cape Town by South African authorities following a months-long stand-off. The migrants, who were moved in an operation Sunday, had demanded to be relocated to other countries, claiming they had been threatened by xenophobic violence last year. But the group lost their court bid to compel...

Press Review December 2019

Jan 09, 2020
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Home Affairs: Tshwane UNHCR Protesters Can Live Legally in SA December 5, 2019 Protesters who had camped outside the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Pretoria last month are legally entitled to be in South Africa. The Department of Home Affairs on Thursday said it checked their status and was trying to get them to return to their homes in the country. Full report:   South Africa fails in duty to offer refuge

Press Review November 2019

Dec 05, 2019
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Foreign protesters not our problem, says Home Affairs 13 November 2019 It is not the job of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to identify the protesters camped outside the UN refugee agency in Pretoria. This is according to its latest court papers submitted to the Pretoria High Court as part of litigation aimed at having the protesters removed from living on the pavements...

Press Review September 2019

Oct 03, 2019
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE South Africa apologises to Nigeria after anti-migrant violence 16 September 2019 South African envoy expressed the country’s “sincerest apologies” to Nigeria on Monday, after a wave of anti-migrant attacks swept through Johannesburg and surrounding cities in recent weeks, fuelling diplomatic tensions. A meeting with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in the capital Abuja was held to convey President Cyrial Ramaphosa’s “sincere apologies about the incident that has recently...

Press Review August 2019

Sep 05, 2019

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Foreigners protest at Joburg Court, want arrested migrants released from custody 12 August 2019 Foreign nationals protested outside the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Monday, calling for the release of others migrants who were arrested following raids in the CBD. The foreigners were arrested after being unable to produce documents proving that they were in the country legally and allegations that they were being being...

Press Review July 2019

Aug 01, 2019
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE Fewer than 1 in 6 asylum seekers in SA granted refugee status 9 July 2019 Not even one out of six asylum seekers seeking refuge in South Africa are granted refugee status. Over the past 10 years, the Department of Home Affairs processed 633 395 applications, only granting 99 624 of these applications. This means 533 771 people, mostly coming from war-torn and severely distressed countries, had...