AHMR Volume 7 Number 3 September-December 2021
This issue consists of six articles. The first article by Adebayo Makanju and Alex Uriri, entitled “Aging, Resilience, and Migration in the Sudano-Sahelian Ecological Belt in Nigeria”, examines the relationship between environmental changes and non- migration outcomes. Statistical data was used to examine the resilience of older non- immigrant households in geographic areas. e results showed that structural factors such as the environment, economic factors, agricultural practices, etc. a ect the resilience of households and cause more immigrants....

AHMR Volume 7 Number 2 May-August 2021
This issue consists of five articles. The first article by Aklilu Asha and Matlou Nkwana is entitled “Complexities in the Case Management of Unaccompanied Minors: Perceptions of Social Workers Practicing in the Polokwane Child and Youth Care Centres”. Using a rights-based approach as a theoretical framework, this empirical research probes the underlying factors that make the administration of unaccompanied children challenging. ... The second article by Terry-Ann Jones and Tamara Last is entitled “European Immigrants in Johannesburg: Perceptions, Privileges and their Implications for...