SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: Migrants

SIHMA’s New Partner in Sierra Leone

Oct 12, 2021
Categories: Articles SIHMA Migrants Migration in Africa Research Projects

For SIHMA, involvement in projects across the African Continent in different areas related to migration is always a source of new perspectives, different working models and enriching humanitarian collaborations. Understanding the different personal contexts of each migrant is important when developing protection and intervention projects with the most vulnerable populations. For this reason, SIHMA's collaboration with different institutions seeks to reinforce the fabric of stability and development that all social actors are working to build. Although... Image 2021-10-08 at 20.11.24.jpeg

107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Sep 28, 2021
Categories: Articles Migrants Refugees

Human mobility is as old as human existence, with people moving from one place to the other for a myriad of reasons premised on the push and pull factors of mobility. While some move voluntarily from one country to another, others are forced to flee their home country to escape violence and persecution. With changes in world politics, ever-increasing political tensions, climate change, diseases, and globalization together with advances in communication and transportation, the world is experiencing an...