Blog On The Move

Palabek: different refugee residence approaches in Uganda and South Sudan

Mar 31, 2020
Categories: Report

SIHMA published a report written by Filippo Ferraro, Lola Verkuil and James Chapman. The report discusses the difference between two refugee residence approaches: the emergency camp and the formal settlement. It attempts to reflect on the lives of those living in these residences and show the differences specifically between the Internally Displaced Peoples Camp Gumbo in South Sudan and the formal settlement Palabek in Uganda. By taking a closer look at the experiences of three people...

Building Blocks and Challenges for the Implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees in Africa - Research Article

Mar 24, 2020
Categories: Articles

On the 18th of March, 2020 the Journal on Migration and Human Security of CMS, the Center for Migration Studies of New York published the research article ‘Building Blocks and Challenges for the Implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees in Africa’, written by Filippo Ferraro, our SIHMA’s Executive Director and Sergio Carciotto, our AHMR Editor Assistant.  The CMS is a member of the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), a global network of migrant shelters, service centers and other institutions,... 2020-03-24 alle 18.16.56.png

The Report: 'Labour-related experiences of Migrants and Refugees in South Africa' is now published

Mar 17, 2020
Categories: Report Research

On the 16th of March, SIHMA published Dr. Marinda Weideman’s report on the labour-related experiences of migrants and refugees in South Africa. It is an extensive report based on interviews with 17 subject experts, 2 employers and 39 migrants and refugees. The purpose of the report was to understand the processes pertaining to the employment and working conditions of migrants and refugees in South Africa. Dr. Weideman notes 13 key findings: The most likely reason for migration among the... 2020-03-17 alle 09.48.05.png

Lola's experience as SIHMA's intern

Mar 10, 2020

My name is Lola, I’m 23 years old and I come from the Netherlands. I have been a research intern at SIHMA for five months, from October 2019 to March 2020. Before I came to SIHMA, I had just graduated with two master’s degrees in International Development and Anthropology. I decided that I wanted to gain some more hands-on experience in research – preferably abroad – before I would find a full-time job in the Netherlands. Since I had some...

Press Review February 2020

Mar 05, 2020
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Home affairs ‘not coping’ with immigration February 10, 2020 The department of home affairs’ processes for undocumented immigrants are inadequate, leaving it unable to determine the number and status of undocumented people in the country. This is according a follow-up performance audit conducted by the office of the Auditor-General, which presented its findings before Parliament’s portfolio committee on home affairs last week. Full report:   Xenophobia isn’t keeping immigrants out of SA – here are...

Seminars on the regulations to the Refugee Amendment Act 2017

Mar 03, 2020
Categories: Event

On Friday the 28th of February, a seminar was held in the Chancery Boardroom also regarding the regulations to the Refugee Amendment Act 2017. The seminar was held by a collaboration of SIHMA, Scalabrini Centre, the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) and the Jesuits South Africa, and around 20 to 25 people attended. Sally Gandar, the head of the advocacy department at SCCT and an attorney, gave an hour-long presentation explaining the asylum process...[2814].jpg