Blog On The Move

1 of June Scalabrini Day celebration

May 31, 2022
Categories: Migrants Migration in Africa Pastoral care of migrants and refugees SCCT SIHMA

1 of June marks the memory of Bishop Scalabrini, founder of the Congregation of the Scalabrini Fathers and promoter of the pastoral care of migrants, refugees and people on the move around the world. SIHMA, together with the sister organisations Scalabrini Centre and Lawrence House, will have a moment of reflection and training with its staff on this day. Together we want to focus our attention on the four verbs, suggested by Pope Francis...

April 2022 - Press Review

May 26, 2022
Categories: press review

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Asylum seeker’s bribery case highlights plight of refugees Eye Witness News, 04 April 2022 As the head of Advocacy of Scalabrini Center James Chapman highlighted, refugees and asylum seekers should not be mislabelled with unfavourable terms, considering that it only helps rising the already existent xenophobic rhetoric. Read the full article at:


May 24, 2022
Categories: Migration in Africa Webinar

On 16 November 2021, within the actions of the "Faces of Migration" project, an online training day was held the CSER Foundationpublished this publication on February 2022. The day was co-organised by the CSER Foundation and FOCSIV, the CSER Foundation already in 2020 presented international research on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic was having on migrants. After another year of the pandemic crisis, it is necessary to draw attention to how the COVID-19 pandemic is not only...

Awareness Campaigns in Schools about Human Trafficking - SIHMA JHB Legal Office

May 17, 2022
Categories: Event news

by Sihle Dlamini, Legal Advisor at SIHMA Office JHB   The SIHMA Legal Clinic at St. Patrick La Rochelle has had a had a very busy month this April in terms of awareness campaigns in schools about human trafficking. One of the Legal Clinic’s objectives is to provide trainings and do awareness campaigns on human trafficking in various sectors and spheres including schools. School children are vulnerable to...

Getting to know Professor Daniel Tevera, the new AHMR Editor

May 10, 2022
Categories: news

Professor Daniel Tevera has joined the AHMR editorial board as editor.  With so many years as a migration scholar, researcher, and migration policy analyst he brings extensive migration experience to the journal. He is an NRF-rated scholar, and he is an Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Geography, Environmental Studies and Tourism at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). He joined UWC in December 2012 after almost three decades in academia, during which time he held several academic... Tevera_cropped_1651855418.jpg

Introduction to the AHMR Volume 8 Number 1 January - April 2022

May 03, 2022
Categories: news

  The African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed on-line journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects (socio-economic, political, legislative and developmental) of human mobility in Africa. Through the publication of original research, policy discussions and evidence-based research papers, the AHMR provides a comprehensive forum devoted exclusively to the analysis of contemporaneous trends, migration patterns and some of the most important migration-related issues. The journal is accessible on-line at no charge. AHMR is jointly... 2022-04-29 at 21.32.52.png