Blog On The Move

Meet Our New Interns

Jul 05, 2022
Categories: news

On the 14th of June the SIHMA team bid our remote intern, Christine, farewell as her internship had come to an end. Christine had been managing our social media posts since March, and she will be greatly missed. Luckily for us, we had two new interns join us in office on the 31st May, to make the transition easier. Brilliant and Nathan have been with us for just under a month now, and have both acclimatized well. Although Brilliant has...

SIHMA Annual Report 2021

Jun 28, 2022
Categories: news

SIHMA’s annual report for 2021 has now been released with information about the organisation and its activities from 2020 to 2021. The report covers SIHMA’s four key focus areas, namely Research; Publications; Training and Capacity Building; and Events, as well as more general information about the organisation and its work. You can find a link to an online version of the report... Annual Report 2021 Cover.jpg

COVID-19 and migrant struggles in South Africa

Jun 21, 2022
Categories: news

Our AHMR Journal Editor, Professor Daniel Tevera, recently attended the 9th International Annual SASPEN Conference in Johannesburg from 10-12 May. The theme of the conference was ‘Social protection at a crossroads; between COVID-19 and the SDGs – Southern African perspectives”. His presentation on “COVID-19 and migrant struggles in South Africa” will be published as a chapter in a book that he is currently co-authoring. Professor Tevera is editor of the African Human Mobility Review and he is an Extraordinary Professor...

Communication Tools and Community-Driven Initiatives to Improve Migrant Well-Being

Jun 14, 2022
Categories: Research Research Project

  On the 26 of June, the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) started cooperating with the Spanish PhD Student Jose Olcina and his migration research project "Lessons from intra-African migration in South Africa to improve the well-being of the sub-Saharan migrant population in a vulnerable situation in Spain. An intersectional perspective¨ Jose Olcina is a journalist and anthropologist, and a part-time PhD student in Health Sciences at the University of Alicante... Olcina- BlogPost.jpg

May 2022 - Press Review

Jun 09, 2022
Categories: press review

National Coverage ‘Fix the economy’ - warns institute amid study showing high number of South African want to emigrate IOL, 13 May 2022 The Inclusive Society Institute performed a study that revealed that South Africans are not emigrating from the country due to “hatred of their country” but rather due to economic outlook in other nations and the poor outlook of the economic status in South Africa. The...

Brenthurst Research: No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe

Jun 07, 2022
Categories: Report Research

Keywords: non-national, statelessness, resilience, migrants In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa experienced one of Africa's highest COVID infection rates. Consequently, the country was plunged into a deep economic crisis evidenced by high inflation rates, skyrocketing unemployment rates, especially among the youth, and high poverty rates. This culminated in deep frustration among the local citizenry, who blamed the proliferation of non-nationals in South Africa for their poor conditions. Such frustrations turned into... 2022-06-07 at 14.03.43.png