News Articles

SIHMA Reflections on the Experiences of Two Interns Working Remotely for SIHMA

Jul 27, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA was pleased to receive and work with two volunteers who each worked remotely with SIHMA in recent months. It was a pleasure to receive both interns and we are thankful for the time and effort they have put in to assist SIHMA work towards our vision of  ‘An Africa where the human rights of people on the move are ensured and their dignity is promoted.’ Reflection from April Walter My name April Walter. ...

Considering South African Domestic Remittances in the Direction of a Legal and Regulatory Framework

Jul 20, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA had the opportunity to read and reflected on an article entitled Towards a Legal and Regulatory Framework for South African Domestic Remittances: Some Considerations by Vivienne Lawack. The article looks at the results of an exploratory study conducted by Vivienne Lawack and is published in the newest edition of SIHMA and UWC’s collaborative peer review journal the AHMR.  The study examined the legal and regulatory framework for domestic remittances within the South African legal context and provides recommendations for future policy objectives.  Globally,... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

Refugees in Malawi, Migrants’ Right to Vote, and Mandela Day Globally

Jul 13, 2021
Categories: Articles

Malawi has been receiving refugees for decades.  It initially began receiving refugees from Mozambique as citizens struggled against Portuguese rule and thereafter received over a million refugees from Mozambique in the 1980s and in the early 1990s who fled the civil war [1]. Since then, Malawi has been the host to tens of thousands of refugees [1]. According to the UNHCR, there were a total number of 52,258 refugees and asylum seekers in Malawi as of May 31,...

Probing the Context of Vulnerability: Zimbabwean Migrant Women’s Experiences of Accessing Public Health Care in South Africa

Jul 06, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA had the pleasure of reading the latest edition of the African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) Volume 7 Number 1 and specifically in this blog post focuses on the first article named ‘Probing the Context of Vulnerability: Zimbabwean Migrant Women’s Experiences of Accessing Public Health Care in South Africa’ by Victoria M Mutambara and Maheshvari Naidu [1]. You can find the article here.  SIHMA has also previously written a blog post about this Volume of... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

Volcano Eruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Jun 29, 2021
Categories: Articles

What happened On Saturday May 22nd 2021, the first reports of an eruption of the Volcano Nyiragongo, located north of the city of Goma in North Kivu province, began to surface on media websites about 19.30 West African Time [2]. The eruptive nature of the eruption was rapidly verified, with reports of power outages, individuals self-evacuating, and thousands of people leaving their houses on foot, carrying mattresses and other belongings as lava surged towards... for Blog eruption.png

World Refugee Day 2021

Jun 22, 2021
Categories: Event

The United Nations General Assembly introduced World Refugee Day in 2001.  Before 2001, June 20th was celebrated as African Refugee Day, introduced in 1975.  This day was established in 1975 by the then Organization for African Unity, now called the African Union.  Today, the two days coincide to honor refugees around the world.  It celebrates the dignity of the forcibly displaced. [1] Who is a refugee? According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee... Refugee Day 2021-1.png