AHMR Volume 8 Number 3 September - December 2022
Published by: Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa
This Special Issue on Statelessness brings together a selection of critical research contributions from scholars who offer knowledge and bridge the scholarship gap on Statelessness in Africa. It also provides a venue for further research on emerging areas, highlights important issues and describes new cross-disciplinary applications.
We are confident that this Special Issue provides a significant resource for researchers, practitioners, and students to support scholarship that offers new ways of thinking about the interaction between human mobility and statelessness, as well as promoting the critical roles of knowledge. Given our commitment to interdisciplinary work we believe that it will be helpful to our readership to be aware of how some of the complex socio-economic, political, legislative, and developmental aspects of statelessness in Africa are being addressed from a wide range of perspectives.
This Special Issue would not have been possible without the professionalism and hard work of the Guest Editors. We are grateful to Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur, Eleanor Roosevelt Fellow at the Harvard Law School, Human Rights Program and Professor of Law at the University of the Western Cape, and Dr Charissa Fawole, Lecturer in the Department of Public Law, University of Johannesburg, for convening and Guest Editing this Special Issue.
We acknowledge all the support of Professor Fatima Khan, Director of the Refugee Rights Unit, University of Cape Town and extend our sincere appreciation to all reviewers for their thoughtful, insightful, and scholarly evaluation of manuscripts.
This Special Issue was funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA).
Editorial: From the Margins to the Mainstream?: Bridging the Scholarship Gap on Statelessness in Africa
(Benyam Dawit Mezmur and Charissa Fawole)
The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Statelessness: Causes, Consequences and Legal Responses
(Christina Beninger and Rashida Manjoo )
Statelessness, Trauma and Mental Well-being: Implication for Practice, Research and Advocacy
(Ajwang’ Warria and Victor Chikadzi)
Statelessness, Development, and Protection of ‘Disadvantaged Groups’: Bridging the Post-2030 Sustainable Development Gaps
(Adeyemi Saheed Badewa)
The Role of Colonialism in Creating and Perpetuating Statelessness in Southern Africa
(Aimée-Noël Mbiyozo)
The Impact of Climate Change on Statelessness in the Southern African Region
(Leah Ndimurwimo and Michaela Jahnig)
Challenging the Practice of Administrative Detention for Stateless Persons in South Africa
(Fatima Khan)
Statelessness in Protracted Refugee situations: Former Angolan and Rwandan Refugees in Zambia
(Mazuba Muchindu)