SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Gender and Migration: Films from the Generation Africa Collection

Gender is an important aspect of migration as both men and women are increasingly migrating in search for better livelihoods. Over the past two decades, the migration of women as sole breadwinners has been on the increase. Although this is true, women migration is often filled with misconceptions and dearth in information and narratives on their migration and experiences. Therefore, to understand their experiences, it is important to share the narratives on their migration through various avenues including research, books and the media.

In 2022, STEPS, a Cape Town-based non-profit media company that works in the documentary space produced, the Generation Africa collection, a 25 feature, medium and short films sharing the lived realities of African youth, through the lens of migration across 16 Anglophone and Francophone countries of Africa. Of these films produced several of them contain stories of young females with migration experiences. Some of these films include: Footsteps of a Migrant; No Simple Way Home; Sisterhood; The Last Shelter; Zara’s Garage; Stay Up; Fati’s Choice; Njel, the Separation; What’s eating my mind?; Katanga Nation; Lend me your voice; Mary Monday;  and Ime Ego. These films tell stories of women as the navigate the challenges in their homelands, make migration decisions, overcome cultural barriers to migration, experiences as they move and in the host country. They also highlight how women navigate the social, cultural and economic backgrounds remain resilient in the host country to integrate and ensure their survival and that of their families. Lastly some of the films show journeys of some women returning into their home countries and their reintegration thereof.  

The Generation Africa collection is true reflection of the lives of migrant women from diverse backgrounds and experiences. For the migration of women to be holistically understood and to welcome, protect, promote and integrate women on the move, there is a need to promote sharing of their narratives through different channels. For more information on the Generation Africa collection please refer to the following link: and You can also follow this link to contact the team for to access the films:

Photo by OpenClipart-Vectors on PixaBay



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