Blog em movimento

Migrants’ History and Heritage in South Africa – Interview with Dezz van Niekerk (Part 1)

Sep 22, 2020
Categories: news

To celebrate and commemorate Heritage Day on September 24th, SIHMA interviewed Dezz van Niekerk – life coach, mentor, writer, popular educator, and specialized counsellor – and asked him about his thoughts on the history of migration and internal displacement in South Africa and how these are considered in contemporary society, especially when celebrating South African culture and heritage on Heritage Day. Dezz was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s,...

CPLO Training for Advocacy on Behalf of Refugees and Migrants

Sep 17, 2020
Categories: Event

The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office, CPLO South Africa, has organised its annual ‘African Exposure and Training’ course (AFEXT) from the 21st to 25th of September 2020. This year for the first time, the five days training focuses on a specific theme: Advocacy on behalf of Refugees and Migrants. The course aims at episcopal conferences and Church bodies across the continent which are interested in setting up CPLOs or similar advocacy facilities in their own jurisdictions. It will be...

Webinar Series “Responding to COVID-19 and its Impact on the World of Work”

Sep 17, 2020

New Webinar Series “Responding to COVID-19 and its Impact on the World of Work” are held on 9th and 17th of September 2020.      The Webinar Series are co-organized by the project ”The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Sì”, the International Catholic Migration Commission, Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor and the Vatican Commission for Covid-19 coordinated by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.      Both... Shot 2020-09-15 at 11.27.33 AM.png

Female Migrants in the Informal Sector (Ghana)

Sep 15, 2020
Categories: news

Of the 272 million migrants worldwide, 47.9% of them are females (1). Most are workers in the informal business sector, and oftentimes face different challenges than their male counterparts (2). Published in the most recent African Human Mobility Review, Fabian Sebastian Achana and Augustine Tanle of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, document the circumstances, motivations, lived experiences, and future aspirations of female migrants engaged in informal sector businesses in...

5th Annual Southern African Nationality Network meeting and webinar (LHR)

Sep 11, 2020
Categories: Event

Our Project Manager, James Chapmann is participateting in the meeting: Stateless in a Global Pandemic, organized by the Southern African Nationality Network. Here are a brief presentation of the spaekers of the conference:

Webinar Series “Responding to COVID-19 and its Impact on the World of Work”

Sep 09, 2020
Categories: Event

  New Webinar Series “Responding to COVID-19 and its Impact on the World of Work” are held on 9th and 17th of September 2020.      The Webinar Series are co-organized by the project ”The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Sì”, the International Catholic Migration Commission, Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor and the Vatican Commission for Covid-19 coordinated by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.     ... Shot 2020-09-15 at 11.27.33 AM.png