Blog em movimento

November Press Review

Dec 03, 2020
Categories: press review

National Coverage   No country, no future: The bleak plight of stateless children in South Africa Daily Maverick – 29 November 2020 Undocumented children in South Africa fall into a perpetual cycle of statelessness – many children whose parents are asylum seekers become stateless when administrative duties are neglected, or under the law they are unable to register for citizenship. Stateless children are unable to access primary education, write matric...

Nell’s Virtual Internship Reflection and Ginevra's Welcome to the Team

Dec 01, 2020
Categories: news

A positive aspect of having volunteers and interns at SIHMA is the opportunity to collaborate with special and very prepared young professionals. The negative part is that their experience at a certain point ends, and we sadly have to say goodbye to them. At the end of November, Nell Fredericks concluded her remote internship at SIHMA, after three months of collaboration with the staff and the other interns and volunteers. We are very grateful for her contribution and... Fredericks 2.png

133th Anniversary of Foundation of the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians, 28 november 2020

Nov 28, 2020
Categories: news

On the 28th of November SIHMA, as a Scalabrinian Institute celebrates the anniversary of foundation of the Congregation of Missionaries of St.Charles, Scalabrinians. This year we celebrate 133 years from the foundation. Father Mauro Lazzarato, the superior of the Scalabrinians of Europe and Africa, sends out a message for the celebration and he invites to collaborate and to keep up the attention to the reality of the facts. Here below is his message (1). In this... 133th.png

Communication on the Move - Launch Event

Nov 24, 2020
Categories: Event

SIHMA organized for the 25th of November, a zoom lacunh event entitled ‘Communication on the Move’, from 2:00PM to 2:45PM (SAST). During the virtual event we will take the opportunity to share with you SIHMA’s vision and mission and the way we implement these through our communications strategy and social media network. We will show participants around our NEW website, present our recently revamped AHMR Journal, and our active Blog on the move. We are also enthusiastic to... Event Invitation.png

Refugee Status? Included in or Excluded from Refugee Protection?

Nov 17, 2020
Categories: news

SIHMA’s new research paper series is coming out this December 2020 entitled the Advocates’ Migration Brief and addresses recent judicial decisions relating to people on the move. The first paper in the series convers an aspect of international and domestic refugee law being exclusion from refugee status. In the refugee status determination process, it is important to establish whether a person falls within the definition of a refugee to receive protection from the host state. Some individuals though...

CPLO seminar/webinar: Advocacy and Migration during the pandemic

Nov 11, 2020
Categories: Event

CPLO organised a seminar/webinar for Friday 13th of November that will give the opportunity to share the reflections and what was learnt from and for advocacy in the Migration and People on the move sector in the context of COVID pandemic.