Blog em movimento

Lessons still to be learned from the pandemic.

Sep 08, 2020
Categories: news

Let us put it this way: every crisis is an opportunity to learn, change and transform ourselves, our society, our country. This could be applied to the actual pandemic, which indeed has provided an enormous chance to pause and reflect, urging us to find new ways and to rethink social, political, and economic macro-structures. According to this approach, then, Covid-19 should teach us some lessons we still need to learn from Africa, the first one is...

2020 Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative - Building Communities of Hope and Belonging

Sep 08, 2020
Categories: Event

The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) and the University of Notre Dame will hold the 2020 Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative Conference on Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 2, 2020. Out of an abundance of caution for all who would like to participate, this year’s conference will take place virtually. This annual event is part of CMS’s Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII) which seeks to understand, expand and strengthen the... Shot 2020-09-08 at 11.15.18 AM.png

Press Review August 2020

Sep 03, 2020
Categories: press review

NATIONAL  COVERAGE   South Africa’s Border Management Authority dream could be a nightmare Institute for Security Studies – 11 August 2020 South Africa passed a new Border Management Authority (BMA) Act, intended to improve efficiencies by providing a single authority to oversee all aspects of the border environment. Border control was previously tasked between seven different government departments. In the effort to centralize responsibility, concerns of poor management, abuse, and...

Statelessness of Migrant Children in South Africa and the Impact and Opportunity for Social Workers

Sep 01, 2020
Categories: news

Statelessness is an increasing phenomenon around the world and particularly on the African continent. At SIMHA, we are active in promoting research and awareness on statelessness in South Africa and beyond. In our latest edition of the African Human Mobility Review Journal, in a joint effort with the University of Western Cape, SIHMA published Ajwang Warria’s research paper titled “Stateless Transnational Migrant Children in South Africa: Implications and Opportunities for Social Work”1. This is the first time that...

From Here – Recent developments in Citizenship + Statelessness provisions in South African law.

Aug 28, 2020
Categories: Event

The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) together with the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town organized an online seminar on Citizenship on Friday, 28th of August 2020.  The Title of the webinar is: From Here – Recent developments in Citizenship + Statelessness provisions in South African law. Speakers of the event are: Liesl Muller, an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and an expert in statelessness and nationality law. Liesl is also a founding member of the Southern African... Seminar (1).jpg

The impact of Covid-19 on women and their businesses

Aug 27, 2020
Categories: Event

The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is profoundly affecting business, small and micro businesses in particular, many of which are owned and run by women. In addition, women have carried the burden of increased unpaid work: home schooling children following the closure of schools as well as caring for elderly and at-risk family members. Many women have struggled to access the financial support initiatives introduced by the government. These issues will make it...