Labour-related experiences of Migrants and Refugees in South Africa
Published by: Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa, Editing Filippo Ferraro, Research by Marinda Weideman
This report on Labour-related experiences of migrants and refugees in South Africa is part of the project “The Future of Work, Labour After Laudato Sì", a global initiative the connects Catholic-inspired and other faith-based organizations in order to help promote and implement Pope Francis’ encyclical in areas related to work. The initiative brings together international, regional, state and local actors to improve global governance and lift up best practices on these issues. The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) has led the research track for this project on issues of “Jobs, demography and migration.” To that end, ICMC enlisted the Scalabrini Migration Study Centers (SMSCs) in New York, Manila, and Cape Town to examine the intersection of the future of work and labour through the lens of particular migration populations and from “person-centered” perspective.
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