
Border towns and spaces of (in)visibility

This report explores the significance of border towns and spaces for strengthening responses to young people on the move. In particular it explores the linkages of young people to local service centres with the aim of further developing service, protection, and support strategies for migrant children in border areas across the region. The report is based on a small-scale fieldwork study in the border towns of Chipata and Katete in Zambia conducted in July 2023. Border towns and spaces provide...


SIHMA Annual report 2022

SIHMA released its annual report with the main activities, research, publications and events from March 2022 to February 2023.

SIHMA Annual Report 2021

"By presenting this Annual Report 2021 of the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa, we deliver our own work and mission into the hands of...

Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) COVID19 Response

The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC), within the Department of Social Action, organized a committee to collect the reports of Covid-19 responses from all of the organizations, and dioceses that contributed towards the relief of the thousands of poor, needy, vulnerable and desperate men,women and children as a result of the effects of the pandemic. SIHMA and the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town were pleased to take part to this project with their contributions. Read about our projects during the pandemic...

SIHMA Annual Report 2020

"We have spent a year behind the screen, as the cover image of this report suggests. The inability to hold in-person events and the exponential development of new technologies pushed many organizations, including us, to find or consolidate new ways of working. Webinars, desktop research and virtual collaborations have allowed us to continue our activities. Remote internships, while not enabling all the rich, human exchanges of teamwork in the office, have allowed us to stay in touch with...

Only One Home (UnaSolaCasa) Humanity’s Response to the Test of Covid-19

At the end of March 2020, in the midst of the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scalabrinian Missionaries for the Europe and Africa region, through the Scalabrinian Agency for Cooperation and Development (ASCS), have promoted in their regional network of missionary positions and initiatives (Scalabrini International Migration Network - regional SIMN) through a campaign to raise awareness and funds to primarily support migrants and refugees as "neighbours", who are suffering under the pandemic, due to indifference or marginalisation,...