Blog in movimento

Seminars on the regulations to the Refugee Amendment Act 2017

Mar 03, 2020
Categories: Event

On Friday the 28th of February, a seminar was held in the Chancery Boardroom also regarding the regulations to the Refugee Amendment Act 2017. The seminar was held by a collaboration of SIHMA, Scalabrini Centre, the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) and the Jesuits South Africa, and around 20 to 25 people attended. Sally Gandar, the head of the advocacy department at SCCT and an attorney, gave an hour-long presentation explaining the asylum process...[2814].jpg

Norec workshop in Nairobi with Cultural Video

Feb 25, 2020
Categories: Event

On February 20 and 21, SIHMA’s executive director Father Filippo and SIHMA’s project manager James Chapman were in Nairobi for a workshop hosted by Norec, together with the organization Cultural Video. Norec (the Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation) is an executive body under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through what they call ‘mutual exchange’ they aim to help achieve the goals of Norwegian development policy. This means that they work with international partners who want to use the...

Our Director in Kenya

Feb 21, 2020
Categories: Event

The Executive director of SIHMA, Fr. Filippo, is in Nairobi, Kenya this week (February 17 to February 21). He first visited the African Migration and Development Policy Centre, AMADPOC and met with the Executive Director Dr. Linda Adhiambo Oucho, who is also one of the AHMR Journal's Editorial board member. AMADPOC aims to contribute to development initiatives through policy oriented research on migration related issues. Fr. Filippo and Dr. Oucho had the opportunity to discuss about common strategy...

Africa Report: South Africa's country profile

Feb 12, 2020
Categories: Report

The Africa Report #110, which came out in January 2020, dedicated a large section of this issue to 147 country profiles, discussing the current situation of the country and its perspective on the upcoming year. This blogpost will describe the key topics of South Africa’s country profile.   In the last term, major policy interventions were announced by the leading party; these include wider economic reforms, cuts to the civil service and the establishment...

Press Review January 2020

Feb 06, 2020

NATIONAL COVERAGE   Government tightens its grip on refugees and asylum seekers January 5, 2020 Tough new regulations to control the movement and activities of refugees and asylum seekers, including a ban on political activity and immediate detention on grounds of national security, have been implemented in South Africa. Furthermore, they also make it more difficult for refugees and asylum seekers to enter South Africa in the first place. The new regulations under the Refugees Act took effect on...

Uncrowned: The rise and fall of Isabel Dos Santos

Jan 29, 2020
Categories: news

Isabel Dos Santos, daughter of ex-Angolan president José Eduardo Dos Santos, is actually being investigated for illegal transactions and corruption. She was known as the African Queen, the richest woman in the continent: a true self-made businesswoman, in her own words. For 37 years, while her father ruled Angola, she held the top positions in the statal trade of diamonds and oil and became on of the most influential people in and outside Africa. Following a well-established system of kleptocracy...