Blog in movimento

Civil Society Action Committee Webinar on Migrant Detention and Return

Aug 03, 2021
Categories: Webinar

SIHMA had the pleasure of attending the first round of conversations on migrant detention and return, hosted by the Civil Society Action Committee in 2021. The Civil Society Action Committee which is a ‘global platform for civil society engagement on migration policy and governance’ [1] held a series of webinars in this round [2]. Civil Society Action Committee’s membership includes organisations working with migration and refugees. The Committees members include among others: Amnesty International, Caritas Internationalis, International... Office at Webinar image Conversations Webinars May 2021.png

SIHMA Annual Report 2020

Jul 29, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA’s annual report for 2020 has now been released with information about the organisation and its activities from 2019 to 2020. The report covers SIHMA’s four key focus areas, namely Research; Publications; Training and Capacity Building; and Events, as well as more general information about the organisation and its work. You can find a link to an online version of the report at the bottom of this page.  "We have spent a year behind the screen,... Annual Report 2020-21 cover.jpg

SIHMA Reflections on the Experiences of Two Interns Working Remotely for SIHMA

Jul 27, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA was pleased to receive and work with two volunteers who each worked remotely with SIHMA in recent months. It was a pleasure to receive both interns and we are thankful for the time and effort they have put in to assist SIHMA work towards our vision of  ‘An Africa where the human rights of people on the move are ensured and their dignity is promoted.’ Reflection from April Walter My name April Walter. ...

Considering South African Domestic Remittances in the Direction of a Legal and Regulatory Framework

Jul 20, 2021
Categories: news

SIHMA had the opportunity to read and reflected on an article entitled Towards a Legal and Regulatory Framework for South African Domestic Remittances: Some Considerations by Vivienne Lawack. The article looks at the results of an exploratory study conducted by Vivienne Lawack and is published in the newest edition of SIHMA and UWC’s collaborative peer review journal the AHMR.  The study examined the legal and regulatory framework for domestic remittances within the South African legal context and provides recommendations for future policy objectives.  Globally,... N1:2021 COVER.jpg

Refugees in Malawi, Migrants’ Right to Vote, and Mandela Day Globally

Jul 13, 2021
Categories: Articles

Malawi has been receiving refugees for decades.  It initially began receiving refugees from Mozambique as citizens struggled against Portuguese rule and thereafter received over a million refugees from Mozambique in the 1980s and in the early 1990s who fled the civil war [1]. Since then, Malawi has been the host to tens of thousands of refugees [1]. According to the UNHCR, there were a total number of 52,258 refugees and asylum seekers in Malawi as of May 31,...

June 2021 - Press Review

Jul 08, 2021
Categories: press review

National Coverage   South Africa’s patchwork treatment of refugees and asylum seekers shows much to be done to ensure human rights for all Daily Maverick- 17/06/2021 Although the laws and policies in South Africa that apply to refugees and asylum seekers are more progressive than others, there is still a lot to be done regarding their rights. In South Africa, what qualifies a refugee is taken from... Review June 2021.png