Training of Pastoral Agents in Tzaneen – Limpopo
The Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA), in conjunction with the Pastoral Care for migrants and refugees of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO), hosts training workshops geared at equipping pastoral agents with better skills and knowledge to deal with migrants and refugees. The programme is made up of various topics deemed appropriate to deal with migrants and refugees issues, in the Southern African context. Theese topics include: • Understanding International Migration in...

General Introduction to Human Mobility (ENG)
This course aims to provide the essentials for the study and understanding of the phenomenon of migration for those who are approaching this field for the first time for work, study or simply for personal interest. Historical and structural elements of migration, terminology of the subject, description of the main a, interdisciplinary dimension of human mobility (social studies, politics and defence, economics). It consists of several modules including lectures, multimedia contributions,...

Introduction générale à la mobilité humaine (FRA)
Ce cours vise à fournir les éléments essentiels de l'étude et de la compréhension du phénomène de la migration à ceux qui abordent ce domaine pour la première fois pour le travail, les études ou simplement par intérêt personnel. Éléments historiques et structurels de la migration, terminologie du sujet, description des principaux a, dimension interdisciplinaire de la mobilité humaine (études sociales, politique et défense, économie). Il se compose de plusieurs modules comprenant des cours magistraux, des contributions...

Training of Pastoral Agents of Human Mobility (ENG)
This course is particularly aimed at all those, religious or lay, who work in the field of migration and directly or indirectly assist individual migrants or ethnic or linguistic communities. It aims to provide the basic elements for addressing the topic of migration and at the same time offers a biblical and theological framework for supporting pastoral ministry with migrants in the light of the teaching and practice of the Catholic Church. In addition to the more...

Formation des Operateurs pastorales de la mobilité humaine (FRA)
Ce cours s'adresse en particulier à toutes les personnes, religieuses ou laïques, qui travaillent dans le domaine de la migration et aident directement ou indirectement les migrants individuels ou les communautés ethniques ou linguistiques. Il vise à fournir les éléments de base pour aborder le sujet de la migration et offre en même temps un cadre biblique et théologique pour soutenir le ministère pastoral avec les migrants à la lumière de l'enseignement et des...

Training for governments and local administrations (ENG)
This course is intended for government officials, civil servants and staff working in the field of migration who directly or indirectly assist individual migrants or ethnic or linguistic communities in the public arena or within governmental and non-governmental organisations. It aims to provide the basic elements of human mobility from a legal, policy and administrative perspective. Areas of interest include: the defence and protection of the human rights of migrants and...