Seafaring in the 21st Century. Is Maritime Education in the Philippines Up for the Challenge?
The Philippines is recognized as a major source country of seafarers on international merchant ships, providing more than 30 percent of the total global seafarer requirement. Many Filipinos aspire to become seafarers to achieve their dreams for a better life for their families. Around 90 maritime schools offer programs to interested aspirants and numerous training centers that provide continuing education and skills upgrading for seafarers. Concerns about the quality of maritime education have been a topic of...
January 2021 - Press Review
NATIONAL COVERAGE Violent vocabularies and hypernationalism: #PutSouthAfricansFirst is misguided xenophobia Daily Maverick – 4 January 2021 Social media and the ‘real world’ are mutually constitutive realities, and the emergence of hyper-nationalist and seemingly patriotic hashtags such as #WeWantOurCountryBack are both reflective and productive of xenophobia in South...
Differences in Mental Health among Migrants and Non-migrants in South Africa: Evidence from the National Income Dynamics Study’
Have you ever thought about how your mental health and feeling of joy and jubilation or those of sadness and depression may be linked to certain aspects of your life and or past experience? A number of factors influence our mental health and well-being and one of these is, in some cases, the impact of migration whether it be internal or international...
South Africa at the Precipice of Opportunity – Covid-19 Vaccinations
Covid-19 Vaccines are being distributed and administered all over the world. India, Egypt, and Guinea are all developing countries that have commenced vaccination with the latter two being African countries which are administering vaccines. Regrettably, Africa as a continent, lags behind with respect to vaccinations (1). Despite South Africa being one of the continents most developed and wealthiest countries the vaccination plan and roll out has been slow and received criticism from a number of...
Only One Home (UnaSolaCasa) Humanity’s Response to the Test of Covid-19
At the end of March 2020, in the midst of the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scalabrinian Missionaries for the Europe and Africa region, through the Scalabrinian Agency for Cooperation and Development (ASCS), have promoted in their regional network of missionary positions and initiatives (Scalabrini International Migration Network - regional SIMN) through a campaign to raise awareness and funds to primarily support migrants and refugees as "neighbours", who are suffering under the pandemic, due...
SACBC Webinar
A WEBINAR ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LAUDATO SI IN A LOCAL CHURCH: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES One of the priority areas in the SACBC pastoral plan is the care of creation.